P. 22

53. Why did PT. Eureka have a letter to PT. Internusa?
                    A. They are in the sales offering.
                    B. The distributors like to add them in their offering.
                    C. There are latest catalogue and brochure to be added to the product.
                    D. PT. Eureka proposed to become a distributor for PT. Internusa product.
                    E. The distributors like to the product send and combine it with other products.

               54. We know from the letter that ….
                    A. PT. Eureka is a distributor of PT. Internusa.
                    B. Pt. Eureka has not sold software before.
                    C. PT. Eureka is a successful hardware company.
                    D. PT. Eureka will get the products soon.
                    E. PT. Eureka will get the answer soon.

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