P. 60

28. Some neighbor saw someone walking calmly along the corridor….

                   A. A few weeks after the shooting

                   B. A few minutes after the shooting
                   C. A few minutes before the shooting

                   D. A few days after the shooting

                   E. A few hours before the shooting

               29. How many people were there in the shooting incident?

                   A. Four

                   B. Three
                   C. Five

                   D. Two

                   E. Six

               29. Which of the following sentences is true?

                   A. The suspect was arrested by the Singaporean police

                   B. Hundreds of police dogs surrounded the crime scene
                   C. The suspect murderer is also Triad member

                   D. Than Chor Jin was killed by Lim Hock Soon

                   E. The murderer is unknown to the victim

               30. Why did the crime reporter say “According to a reliable source”?

                   A. Because the crime reporter had no access of such information from crime scene but based
                        on someone who told him/her the information
                   B. Because the reporter did not visit the crime scene

                   C. Because the reporter found it easier to base the information on hearsay

                   D. Because the reporter was late visiting the crime scene and had to base his/her crime report
                        on rumors

                   E. Because the reporter was a novice and did not know how to obtain her own information
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