Page 176 - Mario Bigon "The Morrow Guide to Knots"
P. 176
This loop. which is a
variation on the figure·
eight or Flemish loop.
owes its popularity to
the fact that it is so
quick and easy to make.
Because it is formed
with the line itself it
gives maximum
guarantee against slip.
On the other hand. it
has one of the gravest
defects a knot can have:
it greatly reduces the
strength of the line. This
fault can be seen clearly
in figure 6, where the
two ends are shown
coming out of the knot
parallel. When the line
is under tension, the
ends are opened out
and forced to work
against the turn on the
far right of the loop.
Because of this the knot
is not recommended
unless you calculate
carefully beforehand
the strain to which the
line will be subjected.