Page 187 - Mario Bigon "The Morrow Guide to Knots"
P. 187

                                                Begin by arranging the
                                                bights along the core
                                                and fasten them with a
                                                couple of turns of the
                                                weft cord (1,2).
                                                Continue by
                                                interweaving the
                                                horizontal cord through
                                                the bights (3,4,5). We
                                                have used asimple
                                                over weave here, so you
                                                really cannot go wrong;
                                                but as we have already
                                                said, you can use other,
                                                more complicated
                                                designs requiring more
                                                planning and
                                                organization. Despite
                                                its simplicity, the final
                                                result of this pattern is
                                                really quite effective

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