Page 5 - buku aliyah
P. 5
Learning Activity 1:
Understanding the Relationship Between Points and Lines
A. Learning Indicators
In this mathematics lesson, the learning indicators that you must achieve after studying
this module are explaining the relationship of points, lines and planes and line segment
comparisons, as well as determining solutions to problems regarding line segment
B. Learning Activities
Point, Line and Plane Relationship
In geometry, there are several terms or designations that have no definition (undefined
terms), including points, lines, and planes. Although the three terms are not formally defined,
it is important to agree on the meaning of the terms. Actually, what is a point, line, plane? A
point is an idea, an abstract thought object. Dots can be represented by a dot (.). A point is
named in capital letters, for example point P, point Q, point R, and so on.
The line is represented as having infinite length, straight, has no thickness, and has no
end. A line has no end and no beginning, and the line can be extended in either direction. A
line can be named with lowercase letters, for example line k, line l, line m, line n, and so on.
A plane is represented as an area that has infinite length and width.
Relationship Between Points and Lines
The relationship between a point and a line can occur in two circumstances. In the first
state, the point is on the line and both points are outside the line. A point is said to be on the
line if the point is on the line, or the point is part of the line.
Figure 1. Relationship between points and lines