Page 7 - Research News 2019-2020 iPhone
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Notable Achievements
Dr. Curtis: 2020 COS Award of Excellence for the study entitled: Drs. ten Hove and Campbell: A study pub-
“Smartphone compatible versus conventional ophthalmoscope; lished last year in JAMA Ophthalmology led
a randomized crossover educational trial ”. by Queen’s Ophthalmology researchers Drs.
Campbell and ten Hove in collaboration
Dr. Lahaie Luna: 2020 Association for Research in Vision and with colleagues at Queen’s, IC/ES, the Uni-
Ophthalmology (ARVO) MIT Outstanding Poster award for the versity of Toronto, and Western University
study entitled: “Validating the use of a Stereoscopic Robotized gained widespread traction, ranking in the 95th percentile of all
Teleophthalmic Drone Slit Lamp”. research outputs scored by the scholarly research activity tracker
Dr. Rullo: Susan Elizabeth Phillips Scholarship in Medicine. The study looked at the cataract surgical outcomes of surgeons in
Queen’s University ($12,500). various career stages, specifically detecting any correlation with
~ 2020 COS Award of Excellence. Canadian perioperative adverse events. The study looked at 500,000 cat-
Opthalmological Society ($3,000). aract surgeries performed in Ontario between 2009 and 2013,
~ 22nd Vitamin D Workshop Trainee Award for the and found that late career surgeons had no greater incidence of
study entitled: “Intraocular Calcidiol: Uncovering a adverse events compared to mid-career surgeons. A few publica-
Role for Vitamin D in the Eye.” tions from other disciplines have found that surgeon age can be
~ Resident Research Prize for the study entitled: a risk factor in procedures. The findings show that cataract sur¬-
“Intraocular Calcidiol: Uncovering a Role for geons are maintaining skills and retiring at appropriate times,
Vitamin D in the Eye.” CSCI/CIHR. ($1,000) and also that as more and more surgeons are set to retire, the
healthcare sys¬tem will face challenges providing adequate vol-
Drs Strube and Jagan: J AAPOS Cover: “Valida- umes of cataract surgery.
tion of a novel strabismus surgery 3D-printed Citation: Campbell RJ, El-Defrawy SR, Gill SS, Whitehead M,
silicone eye model for simulation training”. Campbell EdeLP, Hooper PL, Bell CM, ten Hove MW. Association
of cataract surgical outcomes with late surgeon career stages:
A population-based cohort study. JAMA Ophthalmology. 2019
137(1): 58-64.
Dr. Sharma
• Planning and Dissemination Grant
“Nutrition for the management of systemic inflammation” CIHR $10,874
Dr. Campbell
• Research Grant: Comparative effectiveness of prostaglandin analogue
therapy versus laser trabeculoplasty as initial glaucoma treatment GRSC $20,000
• SEAMO Innovation Fund: Improving the Effectiveness of Diabetic
Retinopathy Treatment Programs SEAMO $60,595
• CIHR Project Grant
“Comparative effectiveness of new oral diabetes medications
in preventing advanced diabetic retinopathy” CIHR $130,000
Drs. Martin ten Hove, Stephanie Baxter, Jacob Rullo, Jim Farmer
Queen’s Collaborators: Drs. Petkovich, Winterborn, Colpitts
• SEAMO COVID-19 Innovation Fund “Coronavirus infection of the
ocular mucosa to model infection and systemic immunity SEAMO $144,849.74