Page 1 - CUFI Updte Autumn 2022
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Autumn 2022
cufiupdate Christians United for Israel United Kingdom
  Defending Israel
Honouring Jerusalem
“The Lord roars from Zion and utters His voice from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth tremble. But the Lord is a refuge for His people and a stronghold to the sons of Israel.”
Joel 3:16
Nuclear deal with Iran
The UK Pledge for Jerusalem
Defending Israel
The biggest threat facing Israel today is the Iranian regime. Iran’s Ayatollahs openly seek Israel’s destruction. Their extremist views include the belief that they are called to wipe out the ‘Zionist entity’ and bring about an Islamic revival in the world. They are hell-bent on this cause. Iran is speaking with a forked tongue. To the Western world they claim their nuclear ambitions are simply for peaceful energy purposes. But their words and actions do not align. They have enriched uranium to higher levels than required for any type of civil energy need and they continue to fund and incite violence against Israel.
Our government has seemed willing to turn a blind eye to Iran’s evil ambitions and this has never been clearer than in its efforts to renew the Iran nuclear deal. If Iran has its way, this deal will be a disaster for Israel, the Middle East and indeed the world.
The Iranian regime will not change. Before the 2015 Iran Deal, the Iranian regime funded terrorism. After the 2015 Iran Deal, the Iranian regime funded terrorism. It currently funds terrorism. Does the West expect it to stop when tens-of-billions of pounds are injected into the Iranian economy upon them making a deal?
Scripture affirms that the future of Israel is ultimately in the Lord’s hands – God will protect His people. Britain has a choice whether it stands on the
right side of history. Whether it continues to be led by other nations or takes a bold stand by itself. This requires wisdom and courage from our leaders.
As Christians, we must pray for this situation, for both our nation and for Israel. Ultimately, Iran must be stopped. Please read the information in this Update on how you can urge the government to stand up to Iran.
Honouring Jerusalem
The Bible declares that Jerusalem is the city God chose to place His name. The Scriptures repeatedly declare God’s glory of Jerusalem and are the founding documents that declare Israel as a nation and Jerusalem as its capital.
The UK has a new Prime Minister. Liz Truss is described as a ‘friend of Israel’. Remarkably, during the recent leadership contest, Truss made headlines when she said she would review moving the UK embassy to Jerusalem if she was elected leader. Now that she has become the Prime Minister, we are calling on her to make this move a reality.
We believe the United Kingdom should recognise all of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, but we are also realistic and understand this may be too much to expect from our government at this time. However, an embassy move to Jerusalem is a possibility and a positive step in the right direction.

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