Page 12 - TORCH Magazine #25
P. 12

would crush the reign of sin and death (Genesis 3:15) Our Saviour Jesus Christ came as as a a a a a a a a a Jew to the the nation of of Israel It was the the the punishment of of sin and His great love for the the world that were met as as He He suffered and and died “Surely He He has borne our our griefs and and and carried our our sorrows Yet we esteemed Him stricken Smitten by God and and afflicted But He He was was wounded for for our our transgressions He He was was bruised for for our our iniquities ” (Isaiah 53:4-5) Jesus laid down His life
We have considered the the the the actions of the the the the Romans and the the the the the Jews at Calvary But the the the the the third aspect is is the the the the pinnacle in in in our response to to ‘Did the the the Jews kill Jesus?’ It is is is a a a a a crushing blow to to the the the antisemite Whenever you are asked this question quote these words of Jesus from John 10:17-18:
“Therefore My My Father loves Me because I I I lay lay down down My My life
that I I I may take take it it it again No one takes it it it it from Me but I I I I lay lay lay it it it it down down down of Myself I I I have have power power to to lay lay it it it it down down and and I I I have have have power power to to take it it again This command I have have received from My Father ” This Scripture tells us us that Jesus willingly laid down His His life
It was with authority from the the the Father that Christ offered up His His life
and and it it was the the the the the the power and and authority from from the the the the Father that He arose from from the the the the grave This aspect of Jesus’s crucifixion alone should humble the the Church into repentance for the the the hurt done towards Jews in the the the name of of Christianity Two millennia of of hatred towards the the Jewish people
could have been been averted if this Bible truth had been been embraced No one took Jesus’s life
– He He laid it down Himself Yes He He CwaHs leRd “IlikSe aTlamIAb toNthe slaughter” but He “opened not His His His mouth” (Isaiah 53:7) In His His His silence he he he laid down His His His life
so that the the wer over sin might be experienced by all those who turn to Him po of G Jesus is not dead
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Finally even though Christ died and was buried in in in in the the tomb He did not remain
eness and the the victory
Jesus rose again on on the the the third day conquering the the grave and and defeating sin and and death Peter addressing the “men of Israel”
in in in in Acts 2:23-24 declared “Him being delivered by by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God you have have taken by by lawless hands have have crucified and and put to death death whom God raised up having loosed the pains of death death because it it was not possible that He should be be held by it it ” It is is God who raised Jesus Jesus from the dead
Any person trying to assert blame for Jesus’s death exposes their their ignorance and reveals their their true true motives But the the the the true true Christian understands that the the the the weeping at at Calvary was turned into the the joys of victory

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