Page 10 - TORCH Magazine #25
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massacres of Jews and and and and expulsions including from England France and and and and the the Spanish and and and and Portuguese Inquisitions carried out by the the the Roman Catholic Church During the the the Middle Ages it was one of the the strategies used to invoke hate and and prejudice against Jews Jews by depicting Jews Jews as evil and and untrustworthy During the the the the Holocaust there were Nazis who used the the the the the trope to justify their evil acts In the the the Eastern Orthodox Church a a a a a liturgy for ‘Holy Thursday’ speaks of of of “murderers
of of of of God the the lawless nation of of of of the the Jews ”
The Book of of of Mormon while being a a a a a a sect teaches that Jesus came to the the the Jews because they were the the the only nation which was wicked enough to crucify Him Meanwhile in in in Islam there is a a a a a a a verse in in in the the the the Quran that that quotes Jews boasting that that they killed killed Jesus Jesus but but the the the verse continues
to to say that Jesus Jesus wasn’t actually killed killed but but only appeared to to to be be be dead Imagine being being a a a a a a a a a a a Jew in in in in in in the Middle Ages and being being subject to to to Muslims accusing you of killing Jesus to to stir up antisemitic hatred among Christians who were also being taught that the the Jews killed Jesus It demonstrates the the spiritual strategy that Satan was using to drive a a a a a a a a a a a a damaging wedge between Christians and Jews Since 7 October our CUFI UK team
has seen first-hand a a a a a a a a growing number
of of people on social media who attack Christians standing with the the State of of Israel by blaming the the Jews for killing Jesus We’ve discovered that many are pro-Palestinian antisemites pretending to give a a a a a a a a a a a Christian viewpoint when in in in fact many are not Christian even by their own admission Many are Muslim using the the the Bible that they don’t believe in in in to to stir up antisemitism Their aim is is is is to to undermine the Biblical basis for standing with Israel and and and create a a a a a a a a a a wedge between Christians and and and Jews just like the the age-old antisemitism of of the the Dark Ages The same spirit that was behind some of of history’s worst antisemitism in in the name of of Christianity is is is is is is alive and well Christians must heed the the warning These ancient tropes
that we’ve identified in in the the the dark corners of social media will reach the the pulpit i if we we do do not teach sound Bible doctrine regarding the death of Jesus So to to to contend this question let us go to to to the Bible and to to Calvary The Father’s will First Peter 1:19-20 explains that the the ‘precious blood of Christ’ the the ‘lamb without without blemish and without without spot’ was ‘foreordained before the the the the foundation of the the the the world’ It was God the the the the the Father’s will that His Son Jesus Christ would be be sent into the the the world to to to become an atonement offering
for our sin Jesus was was not ‘murdered’ – it was was the the Father’s will that He He should die and and as as Philippians 2:8 says “He humbled himself and and became obedient unto death death even the the the the death death of of the the the the cross ”
It is crucial
to understand the the the the context of of of the the the the Cross as an an an an appointed fulfilment of of God’s plan for salvation Christians must remember that without Christ’s death there would be be no salvation Without the the the Cross God’s plan of redemption would would be be incomplete and there would would be be no salvation for the Gentiles A Roman execution
Addressing who was responsible for the crucifixion crucifixion itself let us consider three aspects Firstly crucifixion crucifixion was a a a a a a Roman death penalty used for executing some of the the worst criminals John 18:31-32 reveals that that Jesus Jesus being handed over to the the Romans was so that that Jesus’s prophetic words concerning the details of His death might be fulfilled The Bible is is clear that it it was Roman authorities who cruelly killed Jesus – whipping and and torturing him ripping and and tearing his his flesh putting a a a a a a crown of thorns on on his his head spitting on on him him him him nailing him him him him to the the cross crucifying him him him him even running him him him him through with a a a a spear Notably the the Romans 10 CUFI ORG UK 

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