Page 8 - TORCH Magazine #25
P. 8

Israel has not been
replaced by the Church God made an an everlasting promise to Abraham Isaac Jacob and their descendants His promises to the the the Jewish people have not been
rescinded However there are many churches around the the the world including here here in in in in the the UK
that teach an unbiblical view concerning Israel Replacement Theology is a a a a a a a a a a a false interpretation of of the the Scriptures and has been
the the cause of of many Christians missing God’s special plan and purpose for Israel At At best it has caused a a a a a a a a a a a a a general ignorance
of what the the Bible teaches about Israel At At worst Replacement Theology has been
the the catalyst for poisonous antisemitism antisemitism within the the the the Church Church With antisemitism antisemitism on on the the the the rise
in in Britain there is is is is is urgency for the the the the the Church Church to step up up and and support Israel and and the the the Jewish people This is is is why we have created a a a a a a a a a new series of teachings for Torch Magazine to debunk Replacement Replacement Theology Theology Replacement Replacement Theology Theology also known as ‘supersessionism’ teaches that the Church has replaced Israel in God’s plans and and purposes and and that that the Jews are no longer God’s chosen people It teaches that that the the the prophecies in in in the the the Bible concerning the the the the blessing and and restoration of Israel to to the the the Promised Land are spiritualised or or or allegorised in in applying only to to the the Church Similarly Covenant Covenant Theology Theology (not to to be confused with with New Covenant Covenant Theology) has often been
compared with with Replacement Theology but there are are some differences Using the the the covenants to interpret Scripture it teaches that the the the Church is is is is a a a a a a a fulfilment of Israel This is is is is is not the the same as as recognising Christ as as fulfilling Messianic prophecies INTRODUCING A NEW SERIES
Rather it sees the the Church as being a a a a a a a continuation of of of Israel Israel Israel and a a a a a a a a a a type of of of “New Israel” Israel” or “True Israel” Israel” with the the transfer of of of of all of of God’s promises to the the Church Like Replacement Theology it it rules out Israel in God’s future plans There are many faithful Christians Christians including Christians Christians who who love Israel who who might attend churches where this teaching is is being taught to some degree However Replacement Theology is a a a a a a dangerously deceptive false teaching The The promotion of Replacement Theology is is why the Church in in Britain has not been
as as as supportive of Israel as as as it it should have been
In this series we will be be debunking the application of of Replacement Theology Rather than unpacking the the scope of of its definition we will help you recognise Replacement Theology fin in in its practice and explain how best to answer challenges made against our support for Israel We will focus on the the subtle ways that it it it it expresses itself and has made its its its way way into the the the pulpits of of of mainstream churches We will explain the the the error of of of some of of of the the common statements associated with Replacement Theology and their implications Themes will include the the the seed of of Abraham clarity of of covenants Israel and and the the Church being grafted in in in in blessings and and promises misinterpretation of of Israel’s “rejection” replacement theology’s undermining of of God’s mercy and its impact on eschatology We will also explain politicised replacement theology and and and how it it relates to social-justice and and and anti-Israel views concerning the the Land Plus we will explain the the the impact of replacement theology on Christian attitudes towards Jews We hope this series of teachings will be a blessing to you THEOLOGY

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