Page 4 - TORCH Magazine - Issue #19
P. 4

“Nearer to the mind of Christ”
Mention John and Charles Wesley and perhaps the first things that come to mind include the
founding of Methodism, or the thousands of treasured hymns penned by Charles, or perhaps John’s preaching of revival and reform that swept across the British Isles. Or maybe you think of the thousands of small Wesleyan chapels dotted across the English landscape, or even what became
a huge global movement with denominations worldwide.
But did you know that John and Charles Wesley were Zionists? It maybe shouldn’t surprise us; after all, “rightly dividing the Word of Truth”, as the Apostle Paul advised Timothy, will always lead us to a clear understanding of God’s wisdom, including His purpose for Israel. The principle of placing the Bible as our foundation is very much needed today, both personally and at the heart of the Church. Many Christians who have been blessed by the Methodist Church will have been saddened by the recent anti-Israel motions passed at its annual UK gathering. But it doesn't reflect the legacy of its founders and the beliefs they championed.

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