Page 4 - CUFI Update Spring 2022
P. 4

    Does your MP know you?
   Polling shows that most of the British public is unaware who represents them in Parliament. However, here at CUFI we believe you should not only know your MP, but you should do your best to make sure your MP knows you.
This may not seem like an easy task.
In fact, you may not want your MP to know who you are. But it is important that your MP hears your voice in support of Israel and our Judeo-Christian values so that he or she can better represent you in the halls of Westminster.
Before CUFI started, the anti-Israel voices far outweighed those supporting Israel. The pro-Palestinian lobby was very well organised and had the numbers to bombard politicians with emails and letters denouncing Israel. This gave politicians a very one-sided viewpoint of public opinion.
In recent years, we’re happy to report that the tide is shifting. CUFI and other pro-Israel organisations are now sending thousands of emails to MPs every time there is a campaign.
We want to encourage you that your voice
is never alone when you stand up for Israel. Our supporters span the length and breadth of the British Isles, and we can see that every single MP in the country is being
regularly contacted by a CUFI supporter every time an email campaign is launched. In fact, every MP receives multiple emails from pro- Israel activists just like you.
It may feel like the pro-Israel voices of Britain are not as loud as those who oppose Israel. However, that doesn’t take away from the effectiveness of our united voice. Every respectful pro-Israel email sent to an MP is amplified by the many thousands who are doing the same.
Through direct campaigning, we have seen anti-Israel MPs soften their views in Parliament. We have also seen pro-Israel MPs become more passionate in their defence of Israel, because they know there is public support. Importantly, we have seen this impact filter through to the actions and attitudes of the government.
Advocacy for Israel is important. Using your voice really can make a difference.
To help you in advocacy for Israel, we have produced an Israel Advocacy Toolbox flyer titled, “Does Your MP Know You?”. A copy has been enclosed with this CUFI Update, or you can download from
                  Discover God’s heart for Zion
“Your stand with Israel will be emboldened and your walk of faith strengthened as we embrace Nehemiah’s burden for His Jewish brethren and develop a love for the gates of Zion.”
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Does your MP know you? You might answer ‘yes’ on the basis that you email them every time CUFI runs a campaign! But do they really know you? The best thing to do is meet them in person by appointment. Here are some tips for when meeting them in person:
1. Always be polite and courteous. Whatever you might disagree on – Israel or otherwise – showing respect is a good place to start.
2. At the meeting, be prepared with the points you wish to raise. If some topics are complex, or you don’t feel confident to explain in person, give a brief overview and hand them a piece of paper explaining your concerns. Always take a copy for their assistant and a copy for them. This means they won’t simply give their copy straight to their assistant.
3. Try and find some common ground. It can be about anything, even thanking them for something local.
4. Try to understand who they are as a person, not just an MP. Take interest and listen to their point of view.
5. Show that the matter you are raising really concerns you. Don’t hold back in expressing your opinion. Give some personal background about why you support Israel. Did you go to Israel? Was it something that saw on the news? Is it because of your faith? Why does it matter to YOU.
6. Your MP will probably ask, what can they do to help? Be ready with an answer.
7. Bear in mind that they might not be the decision maker. It might require you to ask them
to put pressure on someone else (i.e., the Prime Minister, Foreign Office). But make it clear why they can make a difference, why they too should be concerned, or why it matters for the UK.
Does your?MP know you
8. Be appreciative. Thank them for their time. Ask them if there is anything you can do for them, or if you can remain in contact about the matter (they will say yes).
9. Keep an open line of communication. When you get back home, send them an email thanking them for the appointment.
10. Nexttimeyouwritetothem,remindthemofyourmeeting.
I hope this information was helpful to you. Please subscribe to our emails to receive our campaigns about urgent issues to contact your MP. Including suggested wording and instructions about how to contact them.
You may know who your MP is, but do they know you? It is one of the keys to effective pro-Israel advocacy. We answer some common questions about contacting your MP and explain how your MP can get to know you better.
Christians United for Israel UK PO Box 3837, Swindon, SN3 9DS Tel: 01793 862210
Published by © Christians United for Israel UK All Rights Reserved
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