CUFI Update Autumn 2023
P. 1

Autumn 2023
cufiupdate Christians United for Israel United Kingdom
   Israel can count on CUFI to stand in the gap
 Iwould prefer to say that Israel can count on Christians to stand in the gap. After all, we declare here at CUFI that it is “Because I am a Christian, I stand with Israel”. If we are being honest, however, we must recognise
that there are many who call themselves Christians who have failed to grasp this basic tenet of the Bible.
Too many Christians have been tricked into believing the false doctrine of Replacement Theology (Supersessionism), wrongly thinking the Church has replaced Israel. The Bible is clear, when God made a covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that the land of Israel would belong to the Jewish people forever, He meant it.
Not all Christians have revelation on Israel, but all Christians have an accountability to the God of Israel.
Thankfully, a growing number of Christians in the United Kingdom are reconnecting to their Judeo-Christian heritage through the work of CUFI. We are raising up ‘Watchmen on the Walls’, who understand the times we are living in and stand firm in their Biblical beliefs. We have seen a resurgence of pro-Israel advocacy amongst Christians in recent years, but there is still work to be done.
Just as Christians are accountable, Britain is also accountable to the God of Israel because of the role our nation played and the promises our leaders made
relating to the Jewish nation. It was solid Biblical theology that seeded Zionism in the hearts of British ministers, politicians, and businessmen, which God used to forge the path for Israel’s rebirth.
God allowed British soldiers to liberate the land of Israel from the Ottomans, ending hundreds of years of illegal occupation. The Balfour Declaration was issued by the UK Foreign Office because our nation was the only nation with legal jurisdiction over the Land of Israel at that
time. Remarkably, British forces marched into Jerusalem without a single shot being fired just a few days after the Balfour Declaration was signed. And history records that those soldiers understood the importance of Jerusalem from God’s perspective.
It is possible to argue that no other nation on earth was as instrumental to Israel’s rebirth as our very own.
We can be proud of Britain’s role, especially because it was used by God, but we must be aware that Britain’s stand with Israel today is not where it needs to be.
Britain’s stand with Israel begins with the Church. There are millions of Christians in this country who are yet to grasp the importance of standing with Israel. Many of them are under the delusion of false teaching and need
to hear the truth that CUFI brings. There are also millions of Christians in Britain who love Israel but have yet to connect with us to take an active part in standing for Israel.

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