Page 1 - The Mirror - August 2022.cdr
P. 1
District 3090
August Volume -
Rtn. Gulbahar Singh Retole
District Governor
Randeep Retole
Dear Rotarians have developed the district by inducting more members and by adding
I congratulate all club leaders and their teams for organising various new clubs I am sure we shall be able to do much more in so far as the
projects just at the start of the year2022-23 right from the month of July growth of Rotary in District 3090 is concerned.
and I can mention it confidently that all clubs of our District will not lag As you know the Month of September is dedicated to Basic Education
behind in promoting the aims and objectives of Rotary and they will and Literacy, the clubs are requested to pay special attention on this
involve much more in Rotary by doing maximum service to the theme and as the ultimate goal is to strengthen the capacity of
community at large and to enhance the prestige and image of Rotary communities to support education for all children and increase adult
with commitment and dedication as a true rotarians of District 3090. literacy. The clubs should do their best for their projects.
Our country celebrated Independence Day on 15 August and being the It is also emphasized that the clubs should be particular in clearing the
special occasion of AMRIT MAHOTSAV we all Indians took active part RI dues, District dues, Magazine dues well before the due date, so as to
with pride and responsibility being devotee citizens of India. We are fulfil the financial obligations. I am happy to mention that the District
really proud to be Indian and we pay our great homage &tributes to all has initiated in promoting the foundation project and it is expected that
our freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of India all our Members will come forward in meeting the target of this Nobel
and it is because of them today we are living with dignity and honour as a project which ultimately goes to the benefit of the community as a
sovereign country as a greatest democracy in the World. I congratulate whole.
all Rotarian friends on the glittering and colourful celebration of AMRIT I thank all the Rotarian friends of District 3090 who have taken up their
MAHOTSAV and Independence Day. responsibilities with great interest to make Rotary more flourishing and
The month of August concerned with the development and growth and it brightening to enhance the image of District 3090 by doing excellent
is note worthy that we have been able to come up in this direction and project & service.