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          District 3090

                                                   District Trainer                                                                 DISTRICT EDITOR

                                                  PDG Rajender Taneja                                                               Rtn. Prof. R.K. Kaushik



          Yes, these are the words for our visionary Untiring District   Again  herein  below  are  10  Tips  to  attract  and  Retain
                                                                                                                                    We are honored and thankful to all readers of GML (The Mirror) who have highly appreciated the composition and
          Governor Gulbahar Singh Ratole,  On the very 1  Day of   Quality Member
                                                                                                                                    designing of the Governor Monthly Letter. Friends, your appreciation and suggestions make us to work with more
          Start of Month July 1st Creating Record Forwarded the
                                                                1.   Know your club's Strength.                                     zeal and high spirit. It is note-worthy that the entire Nation celebrated “Amrit Mahotsav” Independence Day and
          Documents for formation of 1  Women's Club with 33
                                                                2.   Keep a list of potential recruits.                             Rotary Organization also came forward to join this great ceremony of our Country. We are proud of our nation.
          Women Members, Rotary Club Ganganagar Grace it's the
          world Record with 100%Women Club formed in Rotary     3.   Year around activities                                         Congratulations to all.
          Year 22-23,on very 1st Day of Start of Year Credit goes to
                                                                4.   Create a letter that lists all the great things about          It is also gladding that our many clubs in the District took up many good projects, in the service of community as
          DG Gulbahar, Ganga Nagar Grace proved that it's none
                                                                     your club                                                      well as for the growth of membership to promote and develop the avenue of club services because without growth
          less Than Men's Clubs in District ,Completing 20 Record
                                                                5.   List Potential areas of responsibilities                       we cannot survive it. At the same time it is our bounden duty to maintain and keep the growth intact and keep on
          Projects  in  2  Months,  Charter  &  Installation  was  un
                                                                                                                                    doing work for more addition so as to “IMAGINE ROTARY” in true sense. While carry-forwarding the previous
          matched, Not less than a District Event.               6.  Be Persistent
                                                                                                                                    editor's note July-2022, It is again stressed upon that the image of “52 weeks 52 Projects” may please be kept in
          A Big Gift to R I President Jennifer E Jones 1st Lady R I   7.   Talk about Rotary where ever you g
                                                                                                                                    mind for giving practical shape to the idea. Further it is also urged upon all the clubs and District Committees that
          President in 117 year's Journey August is Membership
                                                                8.   Celebrate when you get a New Member
          Month, Retention is the Big Challenge in entire Rotary                                                                    when planning and undertaking the projects “Rotary Designated Months” should be observed and implemented to
          year, because of it The Membership didn't exceeded 12   9.   Realize there is no finish line                               make Rotary more purposeful and beneficial to all concerned to earn and build good will.
          Millions, Here are the few tips for keeping & Retaining   10.  Be Vibrant & Celebrate Birthday & Wedding days of
                                                                                                                                    Let us join hands in fulfilling our promises and commitment to make Rotary more brightening and attractive to
          Members.                                                   members in club
                                                                                                                                    enhance its high IMAGE with our dedication under the able guidance of our District Governor Rtn. Gulbahar Singh
          "Keeping the Member in Rotary, keeping Rotary in the   These really work. Try Them out. Vision 52 ",52 Weeks 52           and all senior leaders.
          Member"                                               Projects "Calendar an Year around Road Map for Clubs

          INFORM                                                Calendar is being followed in letter & Spirit, Clubs are            Thanks & Regards.
                                                                creating records of Projects District is Rocking.                                                                                                            R.K. Kaushik
                                                                Best Wishes Dear DG Gulbahar & the Rotarians of our
          INDUCT                                                Proud District 3090.

          EDUCATE                                               PDG Rajender Taneja

          INVOLVE                                               District Trainer

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