Page 12 - Nanoskin CATALOG 2020
P. 12

Solvents & Removers

                                 UNIVERSAL                                            GENERAL PURPOSE
                                 REDUCER                                              CLEANING SOLVENT

                                 Suitable for Urethane paint reduction and            Paint and adhesive equipment and cleaner
                                                                                      Surface cleaner
                                 Enamel paint reduction                               General Use
                                 Application Use:                                     Primer reducer/thinner
                                 •  Color Coat      •  Clear Coat                     Flash Point: 1 °F (-17 °C)    VOC: 23 g/l
                                 •  Single Stage  •  Primers    •   Sealers
                                                                      NA-GPS128  NA-GPS640
                     FAST    MEDIUM    SLOW                            1 Gal.   5 Gal.
                   NA-IPR128-F  NA-IPR128-M  NA-IPR128-S
                     1 Gal.   1 Gal.   1 Gal.
                   NA-IPR640-F  NA-IPR640-M  NA-IPR640-S                              ACETONE
                     5 Gal.   5 Gal.   5 Gal.
                                                                                      Serves as an important solvent in its own right
                                                                                      Typically for cleaning purposes
                                LACQUER THINNER                                       A common building block in organic chemistry
                                                                                      Acetone (systematically named
                                CARB Compliant Lacquer Thinner with the same          propanone) is the organic compound
                                great performance as regular lacquer thinner, but     with the formula (CH3)2CO. It is a
                                with lower VOCs! This product thins lacquer & epoxy   colorless, volatile, f ammable liquid, and is
                                and has a medium dry-rate. It is VOC Compliant, per   the simplest ketone.
                                CARB (California Air Resources Board).                Acetone is miscible with water and serves
                                                                      NA-ATE128  NA-ATE640   as an important solvent in its own right,
                                                                       1 Gal.   5 Gal.
                                                                                      typically for cleaning purposes in the
                                                                                      laboratory. About 6.7 million tons were
                  NA-LTR128  NA-LTR640                                                produced worldwide in 2010, mainly
                   1 Gal.   5 Gal.                                                    for use as a solvent and production of
                                                                                      methyl methacrylate and bisphenol A.
                                                                                      It is a common building block in organic
                                 SPOT REMOVER /                                       chemistry. Familiar household uses of
                                                                                      acetone are as the active ingredient in nail
                                 BODY PREP                                            polish remover and as paint thinner.
                                 Fabric Cleaner & Tar Remover                         ISOPROPYL
                                 Fast drying solvent cleaner for grease spot
                                 on the paint or on fabric                            ALCOHOL 99%
                                 A body prep for removing tar, glue,
                                 undercoating, etc.                                   • A colorless, f ammable chemical compound
                                 Removes:                                             • Can be used as an industrial cleaner for machinery
                                 •  Adhesive   •  Silicone   •  Wax   •  Tar              and parts
                                                                                      • Great for surface preparation
                  NA-SRR128  NA-SRR640
                   1 Gal.   5 Gal.                                                    Isopropyl alcohol (IUPAC name propan-2-ol;
                                                                                      commonly called isopropanol) is a compound
                                                                                      with the chemical formula C3H8O. It is a
                                Tar & Grease Remover                  NA-IPA128  NA-IPA640   colorless, f ammable chemical compound with
                                                                                      a strong odor. As an isopropyl group linked to
                                TAR SOLVENT                            1 Gal.   5 Gal.   a hydroxyl group, it is the simplest example
                                • Removes tar and adhesive trim marks                 of a secondary alcohol, where the alcohol
                                                                                      carbon atom is attached to two other carbon
                                • Safe to use on all paints and trim                  atoms. It is a structural isomer of 1-propanol.
                                • Small amount required to remove spots               The largest use for isopropyl alcohol is as a
                                When oil based, greasy, sticky stains                 solvent, and usually as a cleaner. It can be used
                                happen, NANOSKIN TAR SOLVENT Tar                      as an industrial cleaner for machinery and
                                and Grease Remover is the answer. This                parts. Isopropyl alcohol is also found in many
                                special blend of solvents will remove                 everyday products such as paint thinners, inks,
                 NA-TGR16  NA-TGR128  most oily stains with ease. In addition to      general-purpose cleaners, disinfectants and
                  16 Oz.   1 Gal.   gum, tar, and grease, this stain remover is       windshield thawing agents. 99% isopropyl
                                excellent on crayon, lipstick, shoe polish,           alcohol is used to clean surfaces and also to
                                wax, inks, adhesives, glues and many other            prevent infection from minor surface wounds
                                oil based stains.                                     like scrapes and cuts.
                  5 Gal.
                                TREE SAP REMOVER
                                •  A fast-acting tree sap remover
                                •  Removes non water soluble tree sap from painted surfaces
                                   and glass
                                •  Safe for paint
                                NANOSKIN TREE SAP REMOVER is formulated to
                                remove non water soluble tree sap from painted
                                surfaces and glass. A light wiping application of TREE
                                SAP REMOVER will ef ectively remove stubborn tree
                  NA-TSR32   32 Oz.  sap. A great specialty product for f nal step detailing.
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