P. 16

Specialty Products

        Spray & Wipe Cleaner                                      Water Spot Remover                                                 Removes Exterior Organic Residue                          Wheel Coating / Brake Dust Repellent

                       Waterless Wash                                            Water Spot Remover                                                     Bug Remover                                          Wheel Protective Shield
                       WATERLESS                                                 SPOT FREE                                                              HAPPY BUG                                            BRAKE DUST
                        • Spray, wipe, shine, protect                            • Gets rid of hard water spots                                         •  Annihilates pesky bug guts
                        • Water-based & enviro-friendly                          • Restores clear windows and clear paint                               •  Advanced, clear-coat safe surfactants             •  Creates a f rm barrier
                        • Removes bugs, dirt, road grime & contaminants•         • Eliminates calcium deposits and minerals                             •  Safe on paint, glass chrome and plastic trim      •  Hardens to form a protective shield
                        • Designed for paint, glass, chrome & plastic                     4:1                                                                                                                •  Repels brake dust and road grimes
                        • Works well at cutting through road salt and  winter grime                                                                             4 :1 ~ 9 :1
                        • Home, of  ce, boat, auto, and many other applications  SPOT FREE Water Spot Remover is an acid-based                          Formulated using advanced, clear-coat safe surfactants,   •  Amazing heat resistance
                                 RTU ~ 4 : 1                                     cleaner formulated to remove water spotting and                        NANOSKIN HAPPY BUG Bug Remover is a fast-acting      •  Relentless water beading
                        WATERLESS is a water-based, enviro-friendly blend        surface acid rain from chrome and all painted surfaces.                cleaner that annihilates pesky bug guts before they cause   •  Spray-on, leave-of 
                                                                                                                                                        damage to your vehicle’s delicate f nish. If you live in a
                        of wetting agents, emulsif ers and protectants. It       This concentrated product will quickly and easily                      region that’s plagued by the infamous love bug, you’ll   •  Single stage and clear coat safe
                        emulsif ers, lifts and remove bugs, dirt and light to    remove stubborn hard water spots and surface acid rain                 be able to remove them as well! HAPPY BUG also works   BRAKE DUST is a scientif c breakthrough that
                        medium surface contaminants. Not for excessively   NA-SFE16             16Oz.   contamination. The unique gel like formula prevents the   great on tar, road grime and heavy road f lms. HAPPY   introduces a new dimension of wheel protection. This
         NA-WAT16  NA-WAT128  soiled, muddy or caked on dirt. Designed for all exterior   NA-SFE128           1Gal.   product from running down vertical   NA-HBG16  NA-HBG128  NA-HBG640  BUG is a concentrated formula that can be diluted up to   NA-BDT16  NA-BDT128  formula forms an amazing heat resistant barrier that
                                                                                                                                                        9:1 with water.
                        surfaces. Works on all paint, metal, plastic, chrome   NA-SFE640      5Gal.  surface. VOC compliant and body   16 Oz.   1 Gal.   5 Gal.  Helpful Tips:                  16 Oz.   1 Gal.   repels brake dust and road grime. New hydrophobic
                                                                                                                                                                                                              polymer provides relentless water beading and
                                                                   NA-SFE3840    30Gal.
                        and glass. Does not smear or streak. Perfect shine in   NA-SFE7040   55Gal.  shop safe.                                         In hot arid climates or weather, it is best to dilute   protection against conventional acidic wheel cleaners.
                        seconds.                                                                                                                        the bug remover a little more to the lean end of the   This breakthrough technology builds such incredible
                                                                                                                                                        recommended ratios and apply a greater volume of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              protection that wheels stay cleaner longer and clean
        Surface Decontamination / Fallout Remover                 Odor Eliminator / Spot Remover                                   NA-HBG3840   NA-HBG7040  product over a larger area. This will help cool the greater   up easier. A harsh wheel cleaner will no longer be
                                                                                                                                                        surface and allow more time for the product to act on
                                                                                                                                                        the bugs. If too little diluted product is sprayed on just a   necessary.
                         Paint, Wheel & Glass Decontamination                     Odor & Stain Eliminator                                               small area of a hot surface, it can dry too quickly and not
                                                                                                                                                        be as ef ective.
                         IRON FREE                                                ESSENCE
                         • pH balanced, ready-to-use formula                      •  Deodorizes bad odors, not an odor mask
                         • Safely breaks down ferrous metallic contamination      •  Removes stains caused by pet urines, wine
                         • Can be used on paint, plastic, chrome, glass, and alloy wheels     and Some yellow stains
                         IRON FREE is an acid-free, pH balanced paint & wheel     •  Provides anti-resoiling protection              Rinseless Express Wash                                    Metal Polish
                         cleaner / fallout remover. IRON FREE safely breaks down   •  Safe on wool
                         ferrous metallic contamination caused by automotive
                         brakes, rail travel, and construction. Decontaminates    •  Wide variety of applications                                      Rinse Free Express Wash                                All Metal Cleaner & Polish
                         delicate paint, plastic, chrome, glass, and alloy wheels.   •  Home, of  ce, boat, auto, and many other applications          RINSE FREE                                             BULLET SHINE
                         IRON FREE sprays on f uorescent green and turns          ESSENCE is not only an odor eliminator but also a stain
                         reddish as it reacts with the iron particulates making it   remover. It deodorizes bad odors caused by spilled milk           •  A fast solutions to clean exterior and              •  Restores mirror bright shine of all  types
          NA-IFE16             16Oz.   easier to remove. The thick & high foaming IRON FREE   NA-ESS16  NA-ESS128  souring, smoke lingering, or pet odors, not an odor mask      interior surfaces               of metals in seconds
          NA-IFE128           1Gal.                                 16 Oz.   1 Gal.   or cover, and it’s safe on wool. ESSENCE also removes
          NA-IFE640      5Gal.        formula clings to vertical surfaces.                 stains caused by pet urine, perfume, wine                   •  Leaves the surfaces clean, clear and                •  Wheels - Rims – Chrome –
          NA-IFE3840    30Gal.        Perfectly safe for use on all types of               and some yellow stains. Apply directly to                      streak-free                                         •  Diamond Plate
          NA-IFE7040   55Gal.         wheels when not used in direct sun                   stains as soon as possible to help prevent                  •  Biodegradable formula is hyper                      •  Cleans plastic headlights
                                      or on a hot wheel.                                   permanent damage to carpet or fabric dyes.                     concentrated                                        •  Safe for painted surfaces.
        Fabric & Carpet Protection                                                                                                                              127:1  (1 Oz. per Gallon)                     BULLET SHINE is the perfect all metal cleaner
                                                                                                                                                                                                              & polish. It removes minor scratches and
                                                                                                                                   NA-RFE16  NA-RFE128  NA-RFE640  RINSE FREE Rinse Free Express Wash is   NA-SBT16  dullness. It restores the sparkle and shine
                                                                                                                                                                                                   16 Oz.
                         Green Rejuvenator & Protectant   NANOSKIN REVIVAL is a cutting edge encapsulation product that contains anti-stain, anti-resoiling   16 Oz.   1 Gal.   5 Gal.  formulated to quickly and ef  ciently clean in   to Aluminum, Brass, Chrome, Copper, Gold,
                                                                                                                                                        direct sunlight without rinsing with water. It helps
                                                          properties that neutralize alkalinity residues and limits wicking to carpets. REVIVAL protects against
                         REVIVAL                          soil clinging to the carpet f bers. This results in your carpet to Stay Cleaner Longer by preventing   prevent scratching of paintwork, metals, and   Magnesium, Pewter, Silver, and Stainless Steel.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              BULLET SHINE cleans plastic headlights and
                         •  Neutralizes high alkalinity residues  rapid soiling and staining. Simply spray on carpet to prevent browning or yellowing. Stops wicking   NA-RFE3840   NA-RFE7040  plastics. This is an outstanding product for people   restores the clear, bright appearance. Safe for
                                                          permanently ! When properly applied carpets stay cleaner longer, reducing f ber abrasion and prolongs
                         •  Superior anti-stain, anti-resoiling properties  the life and beauty of the carpet.                      30Gal.  55Gal.      looking for a way to clean their vehicles when        painted surfaces.
                         •  Helps to keep the surfaces stay cleaner longer  * Non-Toxic * Fragrance & Dye Free                                          they cannot perform a traditional car wash. City
                         •  Non-Toxic                                                                                                                   dwellers or people living in water-restricted areas
                         •  Fragrance & Dye Free                                                                                                        will get a lot of use out of NANOSKIN RINSE FREE.
                         •  EPA DfE                                                                                                                     It’s also fantastic for car washing in the garage
                                   9 : 1                   NA-REV16  NA-REV128                                                                          during the winter.
                                                            16 Oz.
                                                                   1 Gal.
                        Fabric & Carpet Protector  FABRIC is a professional strength treatment that creates a protective f nish that ef ectively resists soils and stains. It
                        FABRIC                     is safe for all types of fabrics and f bers including silk and sisal. Soils and spills simply blot from the surface. FABRIC is    Industrial Hand Cleaner
                                                   easy to use, and the solvent formulation dries quickly. Perfect for use wherever your valuable investments need to
                        •  Creates a protective f nish  be protected from stains and spills: in the home, of  ce, boat, auto, and many other applications.
                        •  Ef ectively resists soils and stains     Prepare a chamois Center   Apply several water drops & oil drops
                        •  Safe for all types of fabrics and f bers  treated with FABRIC,   onto the treated center area                              All Natural Industrial Hand Cleaner  This heavy duty, solvent free,
                        •  Water & oil repellent                    After cured, put into a                                                                                                                           Nanoskin 3.55L
                        •  Dries quickly                            tray with water                                                                  Magic Hand Soap                  walnut shell based cleaner does
                        •  Spray-on, leave-of                                             water drop     oil drop                                                                     it all. It cleans the toughest   Hand Soap
                        •  Home, of  ce, boat, auto, and many other applications                                                                     •  Non-Solvent formula eliminates drying and cracking soils, greases, inks, paints, and   Dispenser
                          NANOSKIN FABRIC  V.S  SILICONE                Coverage per gallon                                                          •  Fortif ed with supreme skin conditioners and walnut   almost anything else. Fortif ed
                                                                                                                                                         shell scrubbers
                                Water Repellency      Oil Repellency                                                                                 •  Contains the antibacterial ingredient “PCMX”  with supreme skin conditioners
                          100                  100                                                                                                   •  Safe for paint                and walnut shell scrubbers
         NA-FAB16  NA-FAB128  90               90
          16 Oz.   1 Gal.   80                 80                                                                                                                                     that leaves your hands feeling
                          70                   70                                                                                              NA-MHS18                               great. This concentrated soap   NAA-MHSDP
                          60                   60                                                                                      NA-MHS120
                          50                   50                                                                                                                                     also contains the antibacterial
                          40                   40                                                                                                                                     ingredient “PCMX”.
                          30                   30
                          20                   20
                          10                   10
                           0                    0
                               NANOSKIN  Silicone  Control  NANOSKIN  Silicone  Control
     30                        FABRIC               FABRIC                                                                                                                                                                                     31
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