Page 9 - IT_Student activities during COVID lockdown Cont....
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                         A Global challenge for bright minds ….

                                                                HACKATHON PROGRESS:

                                                                In order to track the hackathon progress and to provide
                                                                timely guidance, the FOSSEE team       expected inter-
                                                                mittent submissions from the        participants. There
                                                                was a five stage submission phase.

                                                                MILESTONE 1:
                                                                DATE: 16  June 2020
                                                                Identification of the external software API,      compil-
                                                                ing the source code into libraries                (if applica-
                                                                ble), calling a few functions of the proposed software/
                                                                library from either C/C++ or any other               pro-
        Scilab  Toolbox  Hackathon  is  an  online,  nonstop    gramming  language  involved  in  the  interfacing  pro-
        "Scilab  Toolbox  Development"  based  on  already
        available and an established open source software,      MILESTONE 2:
        a competition initiated by the FOSSEE, IIT Bom-         DATE: 19 June 2020
        bay. It aims at inspiring minds across the globe to     Identification of the external software API, compiling
        build outstanding toolboxes for Scilab.                 the  source  code  into  libraries  (if  applicable),  calling
                                                                a few functions  of  the  proposed  software/library  from
                                                                either C/C++ or any other               programming lan-
        Total no of teams Applied- 24
                                                                guage involved in the interfacing process.
        Selected Teams- 13                                      MILESTONE 3:

                                                                DATE: 22 JUNE 2020

                                                                Writing  Scilab  gateway  functions  to  call all of  the
                                                                identified and compiled (if applicable) external librar-
                                                                ies, from Scilab

                                                                MILESTONE 4:

                                                                DATE:  24 June 2020

                                                                Writing help document in Scilab and example code to
                                                                demonstrate how to use the toolbox.

                                                                MILESTONE 5:

                                                                DATE: 25 June 2020

                                                                Testing the toolbox on fresh OS installation on a virtu-
                                                                al  box,  writing  READMEs and  preparing  the  toolbox
                                                                for submission

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