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P. 12
You silly thing
You silly thing
Don’t you know
You put it there
Don’t try to blame
The kids make fun and you we tease
But don’t worry sweet, put your mind at ease
Although you need a few reminders
You’re much too young for that silly ‘old-timers’.
At forty eight, they cut your breast
And removed a lump that we all fear
I know that you were worried, dear
But at fifty, they gave the all clear
For us to share our love in our greying years.
And the kids make fun and you we tease
But don’t worry sweet, put your mind at ease
Although you need more and more reminders
How could you have that thing called, Alzheimer’s.
The workplace with work you loved to do
Said they no longer needed you
They did not say, it was you could not cope
And you left with gifts and lots of hope
But now at home you sit, and mope.
Now the kids don’t make fun and no more we tease
But the doctors say, put your mind at ease
They say you have depression, and as they write their bills
Say it will be cured with some happy pills.