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             No one is more knowledgeable about the experience of living with
             dementia than a person who has dedicated their life to caring for
             someone with it.

             Ken Eaton spent five years of his life dedicated entirely to caring
             for his wife after her diagnosis with early-onset dementia. In those
             five  years  he  saw  the  life  of  the  woman  he  married  change.  Her
             memory of him, their marriage, their children all began to blur, but
             his love for her never faltered.

             Grief is an unwelcome but important part of life and loss.  If there
             is one thing we can learn from the poems of Ken, it is that in some
             cases, grief can inspire some truly amazing things.

             Ken  took  his  experience  of  heartbreak,  together with  his  faithful
             dog Chloe, and embarked on a motorbike journey around Australia
             just like he and his wife dreamed of when they were young. Over
             the years, he evaluated, reflected and transcribed his reflections into
             this small, heartfelt book.

             Ken’s reflections helped in his own recovery from grief and loss,
             and to make sense of his time living with dementia.  In publishing
             this book, he hopes to help others caring for those with dementia;
             to remind them that no matter the pain they endure, they will sur-
             vive, and their lives will go on.

             Rhonda Parker
             Chief Executive Officer
             Alzheimer’s WA
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