Page 2 - Sound Rides April 2022
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      President Report April 2022:
      Vale Shaune, sadly ridden on to find some better roads to ride. Thank you to all the members who
      rode on Shaune’s last ride in this world and also to Martyn for leading his ride on the Sunday previous.

      Our Branch AGM will be held in May so if  anyone is interested in leading our Branch as President,
      Secretary, Treasurer or you may like to be on the Ordinary Committee, please let us know, Chris
      Glover 0419919275 or Julie 0402955399 our nomination forms will close at the April social meeting.

      We now look forward to the June Winter Rally which will be held in Kalbarri, Red Bluff Caravan Park. It
      is out of town a ways, but right near the Witacarra Beach. Bring your fishing rods too, that’s what
      Derek will be doing.
      Meanwhile… See you soon in the great outdoors!
      Always take care, be aware and be kind to each other.

      Julie Wilcox     #35151
      Telemachus Medalist #64
      Warnbro Sound Wanderers

      Ulysses Club Inc

                      Secretary Report April 2022

       Hi Everyone,
       A sad month with the sudden passing of Shaune. It’s hard to
       believe we won’t see his smiling face on our rides anymore.

       A huge thankyou to the 30+ Ulysses volunteers that helped out
       on the Black Dog ride this year. I had a few people saying what
       a great job you all did, with Reece Whitby saying on his
       Facebook page, “ Thanks to everyone involved in this incredibly
       important cause”.  Read Diana’s report on the statistics &
       finances on page 4 .

       Chris, Secretary
       Warnbro Sound Wanderers Branch

                                                 UPCOMING EVENTS

                   June 4th-6th WA Rally Kalbarri. Red Bluff Tourist Park.

                   September  24th - 26th Geraldton Odyssey Hosted by Geraldton.

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