Page 11 - The Whaler Dec Jan_Feb 23 A
P. 11

Ulysses Club Inc. - Fleurieu Branch
                            December – January - February Whaler

        Ride Reports

        Brenton’s Ride Sunday 27  November 2022.
        On a cool and slightly overcast Sunday morn we had 22 riders on 21 assorted bikes and trikes assemble
        with new riders Stuart and John with Denise to hear Phil`s Sunday sermon.

        With Guv playing catch up we headed off down Aldinga Road onto South Road and wound our way to
        Normanville via the Myponga Dam and Forktree Road.
        A few spots of rain, but nothing substantial and traffic was quite sparse for a Sunday which is always

        The usual banter and chat with refreshments.

        From here the group rode off to Yankalilla, Myponga, Pages Flat, Mount Compass, Nangkita and Finniss
        arriving at our destination of Milang for lunch.

        More banter and chat over lunch whilst being set upon by a few hungry mozzies, before heading
        homeward only to encounter a heavy shower of rain near Currency Creek. (I did anyway).

        Did anyone notice the number of potholes today?

        All in all a good days ride with a great group of people.


        December - January - February                                                                                             Page 11 of 31
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