Page 38 - Exhaust Notes April 23
P. 38

April  2023 Exhaust Notes  - Edition No 324               

                                     Club Rides  &  Social Calendar

                                                                                    Any questions, contact the Ride Leader
     Please use this issue as your latest reference - discard last month's issue.   Updated   or
     If any ride details are changed - members will be notified by                  Ride Coordinator: Sheryl Townsend, on
     email.                                                                13/04/2023 0407 560 500
     TYRE KICK - Meet for Coffee & Chat - Every Saturday Morning from 10 am -12 noon at the Wharfshed - Geelong Foreshore - just look
     for the bikes!
      Day   Date   Type of Ride   Ride Leader   Contact     Destination    Distance   Start Point    Start Time   First Stop
                  Monthly Social                         Sir Charles Hotham           Dinner from   Meeting
      Wed   19-Apr                                                         Geelong
                     Meeting                             Hotel, Brougham St             6pm        7.00pm
     Weeke Sat 29-   Weekend                                                         Waurn Ponds
       nd   Sun 30   Overnighter   Jules Pearce   0401 003465   Terang      2 days     Maccas       9:30
                  Sunday Short
      Sun   7-May             NEED A RIDE
                      Ride    LEADER
                                 Sheryl                  Erskine Falls with   Approx 200  Waurn Ponds
      Wed   10-May   Mid Week               0407 560 500                                            9:30      Inverleigh
                                Townsend                  BMWMCC Melb         km       Maccas
                                                                                                   9:30 @
      Sat   13-May  VBC Breakfast  Self Navigate   Ride to Breakfast at Highway Lounge, Ampol Servo Werribee    No Stop
                  Monthly Social                         Sir Charles Hotham           Dinner from   Meeting
      Wed   17-May                                                         Geelong
                     Meeting                             Hotel, Brougham St             6pm        7.00pm
            26th     Okami                                214 Pakington St
       Fri                     Mal Stapleton   0427 281 922
             May   Restaurant                              Geelong west
                   Sunday Long                                                       Waurn Ponds
      Sun   28-May             Jules Pearce   0401 003465      TBA                                  9:30
                      Ride                                                             Maccas
                  Sunday Short                          Queenscliff   Fort visit     Waurn Ponds
      Sun   4-Jun              Mal Stapleton   0427 281922                   40km                   10:00     No Stop
                      Ride                                  then Lunch                 Maccas

                                                                                     Waurn Ponds
      Wed   14-Jun   Mid Week   Don Wilkinson   0417 596369   Maryborough    TBA                    9:30        TBA
                  Monthly Social                         Sir Charles Hotham           Dinner from   Meeting
      Wed   21-Jun                                                         Geelong
                     Meeting                             Hotel, Brougham St             6pm        7.00pm
                   Sunday Long
      Sun   25-Jun            NEED A RIDE
                      Ride    LEADER
                  Sunday Short  NEED A RIDE
      Sun   2-Jul
                      Ride    LEADER
      Wed   12-Jul   Mid Week   NEED A RIDE
                      Correct at time of publication, but subject to change sometimes.
                    For Queries on Midweek & Weekend rides, contact Sheryl Townsend

                                    0407 560 500

                               Motorcycle Rallies Australia for 2023
                  For all Rallies for 2021, see

                   Or  Contact Gentle (0427 440 887)  for further details on the Rallies or Social Weekend rides

                          For Queries on Social Events  contact Mal on 0427 281 922
           Monthly Social        3rd Wednesday of  Every     Sir Charles Hotham      Dinner         Meeting 7.00pm
               Meeting                   Month               Hotel, Brougham St     from 6pm

       Second Sat Morning of     Victorian Breakfast Club  Check VBC Facebook page           VBC - Paul Butler
            Every Month                    (VBC)                   for Location                0438 551 450

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