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Secretary Words
          13 th February 2022                                              Hi all,

          It was one of those “possible shower” kind of days …. a few     The year is racing by with us
          brief early showers. Ian kept them away by wearing his wet      allready in February.  Our first big
          weather gear. The run through Kangy Angy, Dooralong and         ride to Lochinvar was a resounding
          Mandalong is always good. Wilton Road into Awaba and            success and many more great
          Wakefield Road to Barnsley aren’t bad either.                   rides organized for this year.
          We continued north via George Booth Drive, dawdled through
                                                                          We have Poker Runs, Overnight-
          Louth Park then cruised along Maitland Vale Road while          ers, Night Ride, BBQ rides and
          soaking up the scenery. Luskintyre Road brought us into         new roads and cafes to ex-
          Lochinvar for a delicious alfresco lunch.                       plore.  Check the ride calendar and
          The home run started with the “something different”, rolling    make sure you keep the dates
          along Station Lane for a look at the countryside south of       free.
          Lochinvar. The novelty component was a visit to Cooranbong
                                                                          So far 12 of us going to Warwick in
          Swing Bridge - well worth a look.                               April.  Still not too late to join in
                                                                          and attend the Ulysses-
                                                   Gav #65483
                                                                          AGM.  Please see me for the travel
                                                                          itinerary, accommodation, events
                                                                          and functions we are attending.

                                                                          Our own Woy Woy Peninsula
                                                                          Branch AGM is being held in
                                                                          March.  Not too late to nominate
                                                                          and come on the Commit-
                                                                          tee.   Fresh faces and fresh ideas
                                                                          would be very welcome.  See me
                                                                          for nomination forms.

                                                                          See you all on the road,

                                                                          Karen Fitzgerald # 68435
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