Page 21 - RidingOn Winter2022
P. 21

I chose to start off packing five doses on the bike, infuse while   colours and roads.
       in Melbourne, Lakes Entrance, leaving a dose in Melbourne to
       have on return after Warwick, and after the Melbourne Autumn   Back in Melbourne, Brian and I prepared our bikes for the trip,
       run, dropping off two more doses with a friend who would be   fresh oil, new tyres, and buying a fuel bladder for a longer
       driving up to Warwick and infuse twice again while there. Thus,   range than my 15-litre tank can manage.
       allowing me some adventurous fun on the way up.
                                                             Next was Bruthen via the back north roads of Gippsland
       My reputation for not packing light remained. I see no   including a stop at Toongabbie General Store. Brian while
       advantage of packing light, just regret, and who really cares,   researching for potential fuel stops stumbled on the reviews
       there is no prize. There’s been many times I have jump-started,   for this general store which has a reputation for slices etc. It
       reinflated tyres, produced tyre repair kits, cable ties, electrical   became the focus of the day’s trip and worthy of its claim and
       tape, the multipurpose Leatherman tool, hung up washing with   the catalyst to the downfall of plans to eat healthy this trip.
       my side stand puck cord, and performed various levels of first
       aid. No one I helped has ever complained.             Due to wet weather, changes were made on day two with the
                                                             much-anticipated Barry’s Way put on hold for the safer but
       First, I stopped over in Melbourne before meeting up with Greg   enormously tight and winding Bonang Road option into NSW.
       and continue to Lakes Entrance linking with the Melbourne   It still gave us 10km of dirt road and that satisfying muddy
       Branch Autumn Run the next day at Bruthen. This is an annual   bike look. Later that day about 10kms up the back road to
       ride through Gippsland, Heyfield, Bruthen, Omeo, over Mt   Braidwood from Cooma, we had to backtrack due to the poor,
       Hotham finishing at Tawonga for the night. The group returns   slippery, muddy state of the road. We came across Greg who
       to Melbourne via Myrtleford, Whitfield, Mansfield and then splits   was to due meet us. He didn’t resist backtracking either. What
       to return home or continue onto another trip such as myself.   hurt most was the Harley rider, we had seen caked in mud,
       This year the weather put on a great show, and the high   slipping his way along had indeed successfully navigated the
       country never fails to impress with its magnificence in scenery,   entire length of the road. Later arriving in Braidwood in the rain

                                                                 There's been many times I have
                                                                 jump-started, reinflated
                                                                 tyres, produced tyre repair
                                                                 kits, cable ties, electrical
                                                                 tape, the multipurpose
                                                                 Leatherman tool, hung up
                                                                 washing with my side stand
                                                                 puck cord, and performed
                                                                 various levels of first aid.
                                                                 No one I helped has ever

                                                                                                   RIDING ON  21
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