Page 5 - Riding On No.157 Summer 2022
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m | 0448 336 111 National President’s Report
Hello all, his role on the National Committee. I sincerely thank him for
Not sure what happened his friendship and his years of service to the Ulysses Club and
to the great Spring hopefully he will have a speedy return to good health and be
weather, a lot of our back on the bike soon.
country has been
underwater! Hopefully We welcome Dave Wright back onto the National Committee
any Ulysses Club in a casual position of Purchasing and Gear shop until at least
members that may the Lismore National Rally. His expertise and experience will be
have needed assistance extremely helpful.
during the floods have
received it. Ask and if Thank you to Mike Abberfield for agreeing to pick up the mantle
possible, your fellow and become the Public Officer for the Ulysses Club – Fair Trade
Ulyssians will help – Australia and our Constitution state that this position must be
even if verbal support is held by someone living in New South Wales.
all they can give.
There continues to be some issues with the interpretation of
Savaugn and I “Grow Old Disgracefully” amongst some members. The idea is
recently spent a few to enjoy our senior years without harming anyone. Have fun,
weeks touring Central make some noise, but remember that words and actions can be
Queensland and just in damaging to both the Ulysses Club and the members targeted by
time for a heatwave! We your actions. If it feels or sounds wrong, it probably is, so rethink
then spent time in the before you act.
New England area of NSW, to have it sleet early one morning!
We live in a great country, but such extremes! I will take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and
a Safe, Happy New Year. Hopefully that new bike will be waiting
Pleasingly, this National Committee has continued to work come Christmas morning.
together harmoniously and have come together as a team really
well. Most of our meetings are now by Zoom, with the rare face Until we next meet, keep the shiny side up!
to face meeting to discuss some items, or as with last month, to
see how Lismore is recovering from the earlier floods. We met
well. The Lismore council certainly wants us there, and are going Allan Pratt
with the Rally Committee and all seems to be going forward
out of their way to make it happen! I suggest booking your
accommodation as soon as possible. #9186 DM #21
National President
Unfortunately ill health has forced John Osborne to resign from
e | Editorial
We’ve been touring Tasmania Seems Charlie has quite a number of friends in Australia and
this last few weeks. Those likes to visit ‘Down Under’ at least once a year. Thanks to his
Taswegians are damn lucky friend, Billy Ward, from Compass Expeditions, there is a great
motorcyclists! The roads are way to bike around this great little Australian treasure and not
just brilliant and the scenery miss anything.
is astounding. There are so
many places to go and things However you decide to visit the ‘Apple Isle’, self drive, ride or
to experience. I really MUST go guided bike tour, my advice is to just get down there!
back there on my bike and ride
those fabulous roads. May Your Lid Never Skid,
One of the highlights was a Ian Parks
visit to the National Automobile
Museum of Tasmania located
in Launceston. In the last few #11735 DM39
years it has relocated to a new
larger building on the other side of the river.
I was taking photos of some memorable 70’s Jap bikes,
when I overheard a recognisable voice and turned to see he
of the Long Way...films, Charlie Boorman. I was pleased to
find that Charlie is just as personable as he appears in those
biking documentaries. He happily answered my questions
and explained that he was guiding an 11 day motorcycle tour
around Tasmania. The tour was some 3000ks in total and
took in some of that outstanding scenery I mentioned earlier.