Page 9 - JUG Times March 2022
P. 9
The Long Ride
Ken’s Short Ride to Lunch at Jindalee Beach Shack 20 February
So what do you do the week after you do a Long Ride, a Short Ride of course? 7 eager riders were waiting
for me at Beldon on a pleasant day including Marty Millar and Chris Jones, who joined on the day to check
us out. Hopefully we gave a good impression, I did notice Marty joined the Wednesday Wanderers for a ride.
To keep the ride short and sweet, it was a ride to Bakers Hill via O’Brien, Clenton and Berry to meet up with
Bailup Road then Burma Road through Wundowie, onto Coats and Bakers Hill Bakery for our morning tea
stop. A sign of the times I guess with the bakery owner’s kids being press ganged into serving but the coffee
was good and no complaints about the food.
Next stop on our short ride was back to the coast. I must admit I was not sure where lunch would be when I
had left Beldon but somewhere along O’Brien I thought of the Jindalee Beach Shack, a nice little beach side
café relatively close to home for everyone. The route home was again simple, Bakers Hill to Clackline
Toodyay Road, then Sandplains and River Road to Julimar Road that took us to the Chittering Valley and
onto Bindoon. Jim had left us at Toodyay Road and Bruce at Bindoon.
From Bindoon it was the normal fang across to Gingin and Gingin Brook, Military Road, Indian Ocean Drive
that finally got us onto Marmion Avenue where Marty and Chris left Adrian, George, TEC Eric and myself to
complete our journey at the Beach Shack. A nice lunch was enjoyed and an early afternoon to relax at home.