Page 3 - JUG Times February 2023 Final
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                           See the Ride Calendar for all the General Weekly Rides and Events

              Date            Day                Event
              7 Feb         Tuesday              Committee Meeting – You are invited to participate

              10 Feb        Friday - Social      Jim’s Crazy Card Night – 6:30 Jim and Janene’s Place.
                              Night              Bring a nibbles plate – 4 IRWIN PLACE Padbury
              14 Feb        Tuesday              Annual General Meeting 2023. Currambine Bar and Bis-
                                                 tro. Gather from 6:30pm for meeting start at 7:30pm.
                                                 Please attend as decisions on future to be made,
              25 Feb        Saturday             Breakfast Club – NEWROZ ON THE BEACH
                                                 The Esplanade Scarborough Beach from 9:00am

              7 March       Tuesday              Committee Meeting – You are invited to participate

              14 March      Tuesday              Monthly General Meeting. Currambine Bar and Bistro.
                                                 Gather from 6:30pm for meeting start at 7:30pm
              24 March      Friday - Social      Ideas Please

                                       See Facebook for Advice on Further Events

          Note: - Saturday Coffee. Join us from 2.30pm at Govenders, Regents Park Rd, Joondalup

                                  JOONDALUP BRANCH RIDE PROTOCOL

          Ride Leaders
          Appoint and brief Tail End Charlie (TEC)

          Welcome riders and first timers
          Confirm objectives, ride safe and have fun
          Review corner marking procedures

          Outline distances, fuelling stops, etc.
          Arrive early fully fuelled and ready to depart

          Ride at your own pace for comfort and safety
          Maintain good spacing from rider in front
          Do not overtake on left of other riders

          Stay alert, advise leader or TEC if leaving early
          On freeways and multi-lane roads, maintain well-spaced in staggered formation behind leader.
                       If you have any articles that you think may be interesting for the JUG

                                       Please Contact Ken -

               Thanks to the other Branch Newsletters from which articles and cartoons have been plagiarized!

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