Page 9 - Exhaust Notes March 23
P. 9

March 2023 Exhaust Notes  - Edition No 323                

                     Sunday Ride to Beaufort 18th Feb

                                     Ride Report & Pics by the Lens

           "The Plan" There`s always a plan! Well this plan was to be a nice casual ride to Beaufort, and to partake in the
           culinary delights of  the wares of the Beaufort Bakery. Yep' that was the plan. "Nope" didn`t happen. Well we
           did the riding part, and we did the bike parking bit, in that little triangle of grass opposite the servo, and we
           did the walk down the street towards the Bakery, and we did the crossing of the road (looking both ways as
           responsible pedestrians) and-----------Well, that`s when the plan started to fall apart! The place was chock a
           block full of customers. The shop was full, there were people stopped half way through the door because they
           couldn`t get in, and there were people standing on the footpath looking in the window. Yep, that last group
           was us! Well down the road was a little cafe called Cafe 57 or 56 or 69. I dunno, but we dashed in there for
           some munchies. Check out the photo!
            Now the day started with a group of 6 riders. Yep 6 only. Check out the photo! Mark`s up the pointy end and
           off we go! Motored along some of our usual riding roads out of Waurn Ponds, through Inverleigh, and right up
           the Teesdale road, lefty in Teesdale, and a veer to the right at the Mt Mercer Fire Station up the Mt Mercer/
           Buninyong road to Buninyong, for morning smoko. Lubricated the laughing gear, and headed off. (Take note-
           the Mt Mercer/Buninyong Rd`s will be mention later)
           Headed west and did the short cut/bypass on the south side of Sebastopol, on the Bells road which turns into
           Madden road past The Windermere Hotel. Should do a ride there one day, but it will be BYO. The place has
           been closed for some time. ( A piece of useless info, if you do a Google street view of the pub, when the Google
           camera car went past the pub was operational) The place is now looking well run down. So north we travel!
           Where we go from there? Got no idea! I just followed Mark. He seemed to have it covered! Check out the
           maps. So Beaufort it was!
           Time to hit the road again for home. So we head south/east
           from Beaufort toward Snake Valley, and Mark took us on
           some roads I doubt I will travel on again. Now this is where
           I am asking for some info. We came to a sign with some
           streamers on it that said "Vera" with an arrow to the right.
           What`s this? Is Vera a young lady and this is directions to
           her birthday party, or is it the English female detective
           named Vera paying us a visit, or perhaps it`s a code name
           for a rave party? Down the road and the next sign indicated
           a left turn into a industrial styled site. Is Vera a quarry?
           Take your trailer in for a load of sand at the "Vera" quarry.
           Or if you need a load of screening, you go the "Lillian"
           quarry. I just don`t have a clue!! Check out the map for our
           trip home, with a finish to the ride at Inverleigh. (Check
           out the photo)
           Great ride Mark, with some great riding roads and the
           weather coordinator did there job and issued us with some
           great weather.

           Now!!! The Mt Mercer/Buninyong road. Well if you have
           read the last Exhaust Notes you would have seen a article
           on the pot holes I reported and were subsequently
           repaired. Well the next ride I attended I was greeted with
           "Hello Pothole Pete" Well------Pothole Pete has stuck
           again. Yes, the Mt Mercer/Buninyong road, around the
           Garibaldi area, south of the Hardies Hill Fire Station, for
           about 3 or 4 k`s the road was covered in potholes. North of
           the Firestation was a doosy, bang in the middle of the road,
           right on the white line. All have been reported to the
           Golden Plains Shire.
           "Anyways" a great day and a great ride was had by all.
           (Well 6 of us anyway)
           Peter Barclay

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