Page 28 - The Whaler Dec Jan_Feb 22 A
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Ulysses Club Inc. - Fleurieu Branch
December – January - February Whaler
Appendix - Annual Reports
Presidents Report for the year 2022
This past year is my last as President of Fleurieu Branch. When I took over from Julie five years ago, I
took over a Branch that was in a good place. So, the new committee only had to continue the legacy
that Julie’s committee had left us. During those last five years, I am proud to report, as President that
there was no doubt your committee members worked as a team, with a shared goal of what was best
for branch. I cannot thank them enough for their hard work and commitment, and how they made it
all fun. However, there comes a time to move on, a time for new energy, for new for ideas. I will not
be stepping down completely. I will remain as a committee member, with the role of vice president and
Odyssey organiser.
At the first social meeting of the year, the Warren Jamieson Shield was awarded to a most deserving
Trevor Staples, for going above and beyond in devoting time and assistance to the Branch. The OAKS
Award (aka Old, Alive and Kicking Still) was presented to Ray Hann for what could only be described
as coming through the most frightening time a person can have and within weeks holding the Beast
Speaking of the Beast Feast, the event on March 4th will be the final one at the Hann’s property as Jo
and Ray are moving to a new phase in their life. I for one cannot thank them enough for allowing us
to use their house and land for the BF. It was, without doubt, the perfect venue. I must also mention
the effort put in by Jo and Ray, with the help of Sharryn and Julie (primarily) to make it such a success.
We will now have to decide on two things. Do we say goodbye to the Beast Feast, has it run its course.
Or, do we seek another venue. Any members with, or know of, a suitable property?
2022 was the year that we bade farewell to John Potter. Not just a much loved member of Ulysses, but
also a south coast surfing identity. We had the pleasure of being guard of honour at his ashes spreading
in true surfing tradition.
At the start of the year there were a number of Covid restrictions in place, one of the more contentious
being the requirement that all members attending indoor events and Sunday rides be fully vaccinated.
This decision, generally well received, was not made lightly. But then. as the government eased
restrictions, so did we.
Riding is one of our main pursuits, there were many Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday rides. Some were
cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances such a rain or temperature. An important factor the
committee revisited was that cancelling of a ride would not be taken lightly. Whilst many riders are
often still keen to ride and tackle the elements, the committee determined that safety would not be
compromised. For instance, a forecast temperature of 35 deg’ or above. If the Rides Coordinator, Rides
Leader, or Tail End Charlie have any concerns, a ride may be cancelled. One thing was quite noticeable
during the year. At any gathering, be it local or State, Fleurieu Branch was always well represented. I
am so pleased at the way you all get involved. Well done to all members for your commitment to the
So, this year there will be a new President and Secretary on the committee. Be kind, they are learning
the ropes. Expect some new ideas, a different style of committee maybe.
Brett Wise #65152
Fleurieu Branch President
December - January - February Page 28 of 31