Page 28 - December Exhaust Notes
P. 28

Dec 2021 Exhaust Notes  - Edition No 308                  
       The Exhaust Notes Superquiz    (Correct answers on Page 30)

       Back  by Unpopular Demand                                                     Your  answer  from
       1 point                                                              A          B          C          D
       Question 1:
                           How many wheels does a motorcycle have?          1          2          3          4

       Question 2:
                        How many gears do modern motorcycles usually        2          4          6          8
       Question 3:
                         How many indicators doos a motorcycle have?        2          4          6          8

       Question 4:
                           How many cylinders does a V-Twin have?           1          2          3          4

       Question 5:
                           How many cylinders does an inline 4 have?        1          2          3          4

       2 points
       Question 6:
                      How often do you have to pay the registration on your   Yearly    Never   Twice a   Once every
                                            bike?                                                year     ten years

       Question 7:
                       How many rear vision mirror are on a motorcycle?     1          2          3          10

       Question 8:
                       How many people can the normal motorcycle seat?      2          1          0          5

       Question 9:                                                       Near the  Right hand   Near the   Left hand
                         Where is the gear shift on modern motorcycles
                                         (Australia)?                  Right-hand  side of the   left-hand   side of
                                                                        foot pedal  handlebar  foot pedal  handle bar
       Question 10:                                                      Near the  Right hand   Near the   Left hand
                          Where is the clutch on a modern motorcycle?   Right-hand  side of the   left-hand   side of
                                                                        foot pedal  handlebar  foot pedal  handle bar
       3 points
       Question 11:
                        What country was the home of BSA motorcycles?    United      USA       Australia    Italy

       Question 12:                                                       South
                           What state or territory is Phillip Island in?             ACT     Queensland  Victoria

       Question 13:
                            What city is the capital of the Isle of Man?   Melbourne  Las Vegas   Douglas   Geelong

       Question 14:
                         What country is the home of Harley-Davidson?     Italy     United       USA       Japan

       Question 15:                                                                           As many as  All these
                            How many motorcycles should you own?            1          2
                                                                                               possible   answers

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