Page 39 - Exhaust Notes December 2022
P. 39
December 2022 Exhaust Notes - Edition No 320
Please note that all visitors are welcome to join club rides, however there are a few important ride guidelines we
use for safety and we ask that you and our club members observe these Ride Guidelines:
FUEL: Arrive at departure point with a full fuel tank; also ensure your tires are up to the ride.
A “RIDE LEADER” and “TAIL END CHARLIE” will be nominated for all official Club rides.
RIDING POSITION: Riding positions should be staggered behind the ride Leader and a safe riding
distance of a least three (3) second interval shall be observed between riders.
BUDDY UP: Keep an eye out for the rider behind. If he/she drops back, do the same so that by the time all
riders in front have slowed down, the message will reach the Ride Leader that there may be trouble
somewhere down the line.
CORNER MARKING: As a rule the rider immediately behind the Rider Leader will, at his discretion and only
where safe to do so, wait on corners out of the way of traffic with the appropriate turn signal flashing to
indicate the route that following riders are to take. The corner marker stays at the corner until Tail
End Charlie arrives (or somebody sent by the Ride Leader).
If you come to a major intersection, and there is no corner marking rider, you should out of courtesy, wait to
see the next rider appear, and when the rider should be able to clearly see where you’re going, you can
continue directly across the intersection and continue until the next marked corner or major
intersection. If there is still no corner marker, you should stop and someone call the Ride Leader by
DON’T PASS ON THE LEFT: Under no circumstances pass on the Inside of another rider unless you are in a
separate lane.
BE RESPONSIBLE: Members shall ride responsibly and observe all State road laws, speed limits and
appropriate road craft for the riding conditions.
OTHER ROAD USERS: Roads will not be monopolized (riding in a tight group), to the detriment of other
road users. (Allow cars to enter the ride group).
LEAVING THE RIDE: Riders wishing to deviate or quit the ride midway must notify the Ride Leader and
Tail End Charlie before leaving. When you are ready to leave the ride you will pull over and wait for
Tail End Charlie to pass you. When you arrive home please send a courtesy SMS or make a brief call to
the Ride Leader to inform him/he that you arrived safely (if you don’t have their mobile number, ask for
RIDE & EVENT ATTENDANCE SHEET: A Club Ride & Attendance Sheet will be maintained by the
organizers for each official Club ride with details of:
Emergency contact, including the contacts telephone number
Bike Registration Number