Page 27 - Riding On Spring
P. 27

Milwaukee’s  all-new  Pan  America  adventure  bike  certainly  has  people
                                                       talking. Everyone has an opinion about this so-called ‘departure’ for The
                                                       Motor Company. But is it?

                                                       When the Davidson boys and Mr Harley embarked on their momentous
                                                       PRWRUF\FOH MRXUQH\ QHDUO\     \HDUV DJR  $PHULFD ZDV D YDVWO\ GL໤HUHQW
                                                       place.  Motorcycles  were  a  popular  form  of  personal  transport  because
                                                       WKH\ ZHUH FRQYHQLHQW  D໤RUGDEOH DQG DEOH WR GHDO ZLWK WKH URDGV  , XVH
                                                       WKH WHUP ORRVHO\  RI HDUO\   WK FHQWXU\ $PHULFD  -XVW
                                                       ,Q IDFW  WKH URDGV ZHUH VR EDG   RU QRQ H[LVWHQW    WKDW WKH ¿UVW DGYHQWXUH
                                                       bikers often resorted to riding along railway tracks to make any sort of
                                                       progress. And what is often forgotten is that many of these early two-
                                                       ZKHHOHG ZD\IDUHUV ZHUH ZRPHQ  (໥H +RWFKNLVV URGH KHU EUDQG QHZ + '
                                                       1915 Model 11-F all the way from New York to San Francisco - and back
                                                       - with her mother in a sidecar. Hungarian blokes, Zoltan Sulkowsky and
                                                       *\XOD %DUWKD  URGH D +DUOH\ 'DYLGVRQ VLGHFDU RXW¿W IURP      WR
                                                       visiting 68 countries travelling a total of 170,000km. So, the suggestion
                                                       WKDW + 'V KDYH QHYHU YHQWXUHG VHULRXVO\ R໤ URDG LV D PRRW SRLQW

                                                       It is fair to say that in recent years, Harley-Davidson motorcycles are best
                                                       known as comfortable highway cruisers. Big, thumping V-Twins that eat
                                                       up the bitumen like 100ci Pacmen with serious modern adventure bikes
                                                       being the domain of BMW, KTM and the like.

                                                       In  many  ways,  the  Pan  America  is  H-D  coming  full-circle  to  meet  the
                                                       big guns of adventure head-on. Its 1250cc, water-cooled, 8-valve, DOHC
                                                       engine mated with a suite of rider aids in a clean-sheet chassis means
                                                       business. Big business.
                                                       Space does not permit me to give one of those full and intimate reviews,
                                                       EXW VX໥FH WR VD\ WKDW WKH 3DQ$P LV ZHOO HTXLSSHG WR PHHW WKH FKDOOHQJH
                                                       of the European and Japanese with comparable features such as ABS,
                                                       traction control, cruise control, Bluetooth connectivity and as a 175cm
                                                       bloke, a feature that impressed me was adaptive ride height which will
                                                       ORZHU WKH FKDVVLV RQ VWRSSLQJ  DOORZLQJ \RX WR FRPH WR D ÀDW IRRW VWRS

                                                       One comparison that is telling for all modern adventure bikes is the pow-
                                                       er and weight combo. Twenty-odd years ago most emerging adventure
                                                       bikes were around the 200kg mark fully fueled with outputs seldom more
                                                       WKDQ   NZ     KS   1RZDGD\V  WKH ELJ JXQV DUH DURXQG    NJ ZLWK JUXQW
                                                       north of 90kW. For example, the benchmark BMW MY21 R 1250 GS Ad-
                                                       venture is a whopping 268kg wet and kicked along by a DOHC 8-valve
                                                       100kW horizontal twin. A real Schwarzenegger of a machine.
                                                       7KH 3DQ$P LV QR À\ZHLJKW HLWKHU  GHVSLWH PDQ\ ZHLJKW VDYLQJ IHDWXUHV
                                                       The fully kitted unit still is a shade over 250kg but manages a claimed
                                                       112kW from the all-new Revolution 60-degree, liquid-cooled V-twin. No
                                                       wonder brawny Jason Momoa is the new bike’s front man.

                                                       Now arriving at Harley-Davidson dealers as I write, the PanAm is available
                                                       LQ $XVWUDOLD RQO\ LQ WKH IXOO VSHF µ6SHFLDO¶ FRQ¿JXUDWLRQ DW         ULGH
                                                       away. A full luggage pack and dedicated riding gear range for both men
                                                       and women is also released.

                                                       In short, if you are ready to spend $30k on an adventure bike, the Pan
                                                       America should be on your very short list of contenders.

                                                       Roderick Eime

                                                                                                   RIDING ON 27
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