Page 18 - RidingOn156 SPRING 2022
P. 18

Better riding gear

        down under MotoCAP

        vs European standards

        Brian Wood #64502 put this article together and is Treasurer of   The AMC does not support mandating protective clothing but
        the Australian Motorcycle Council.                   rather it supports providing riders with information so they can
                                                             make an informed choice.
        The Motorcycle Clothing Assessment Program, known as
        MotoCAP, is an independent rating scheme for motorcycle   Why is MotoCAP required now that there is a tiered European
        protective clothing to enable riders to make informed decisions   standard (EN 17092)?
        about what they buy and wear, and to encourage manufacturers
        to increase the availability of effective protective clothing in the   The European standard EN17092 has been developed for
        market.                                              European riding conditions. The EN 17092 abrasion test is
                                                             based on asphalt that is the predominant road type in Europe.
        MotoCAP is based on over 20 years of research on what type   It is a European standard for European riders.
        and level of protection is required for Australian and New
        Zealand riding conditions.                           MotoCAP is a star rating system that uses an abrasion test
                                                             which has been scientifically shown to behave the same as
        The aim of MotoCAP is to provide an independent process for   Australian and New Zealand chip seal roads. Chip seal is four
        testing and publicising the protective and thermal management   and a half times more abrasive than asphalt. MotoCAP provides
        performance ofmotorcycle clothing, to encourage usage and   advice for Australian and New Zealand riders about gear that
        reduce injury rates. The objectives are to:          will protect them when riding in Australia or New Zealand.
        Enable riders to make informed decisions when buying gear;  Why are some EN 17092 garments performing poorly on
        Increase demand for better performing gear; Allow riders to
        compare products on independently tested measures;   Testing has identified 45 garments certified to EN 17092 that
                                                             have received half or one star for protection in MotoCAP. The
        Encourage industry to compare their products with those of   lower ratings are due to the different requirements for abrasion
        their competitors; Providing incentives for industry to compete   resistance testing in EN 17092. The European standard EN
        on safety and thermal comfort; and                   17092 uses the Darmstadt abrasion test method and a concrete
                                                             abrasion pad which is less abrasive than most Australian and
        Improve overall safety for the riding community;     New Zealand roads, and even some European roads. MotoCAP
        MotoCAP won the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme   uses the Cambridge abrasion test method (specified in EN
        (FIM) 2019 Road Safety Award. The award was instituted as   13595-1:2002) which has been scientifically shown to perform
        part of FIM’s contribution to the United Nations Decade of   like Australian and New Zealand chip seal roads.
        Action for Road Safety and is focused on improving road safety   Not all EN 17092 garments perform poorly, with testing
        for motorcycle, scooter and moped riders. https://www.fim-  identifying that garments certified to EN 17092 can achieve 3                 stars or better in MotoCAP. EN 17092 does not, however, enable
        The Australian Motorcycle Council does not support the   identification of superior performance garments, which it groups
        introduction of a Standard as this is inappropriate and   with others within broad performance classifications.
        unworkable due to Australia’s diverse climate. Also, a Standard   What is the difference between the Darmstadt abrasion test
        provides no incentive for the continual improvement in the   used in EN17092 and the Cambridge abrasion test used by
        quality of protective clothing being offered for sale, it will only   MotoCAP?
        set a minimum quality that has to be achieved.
                                                             The Darmstadt impact abrasion test machine is designed to

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