Page 6 - RidingOn156 SPRING 2022
P. 6
e | National Vice President’s Report
m | 0427 669 903
Welcome to the Spring edition and show our support.
of Riding On, and welcome to
the new members of this great Whilst the organising team for the 2023 National Rally in
Ulysses Club. Lismore is progressing well, they still need some more Co-
ordinators to assist. If you would like to help, please send
The Next National Rally will be the Rally Secretary, Coleen Gaudron, an email on 2023ucnr.
in Lismore in Northern New and find a rewarding job.
South Wales between the 1st
and 7th May 2023. As you will Dates of future Rallies:
be aware, the Lismore area and
surrounds have been severely 2023 Ulysses Club National Rally – Lismore 1st– 7th May 2023
affected by serious flooding 2024 Ulysses Club National Rally – Mandurah, Western
earlier this year, approx. 2,000 Australia 18th March 2024 -24th March 2024
homes have been damaged,
some beyond repair. Many 2025 Ulysses Club National Rally – 24th -30th March 2025 -
businesses have suffered badly Location to be announced in October
from flood damage and some businesses will not be able
to come back from this disaster. Lismore inhabitants are a Along with the rest of the National Committee, I am always on
resilient lot and during my visits this year I have been amazed the lookout for a fantastic location to hold a National Rally. If
at their high spirits and desire to bring Lismore back from you have a suitable location, I will welcome a call on 0427 66
adversity. 9903 or email to discuss the possibility of
running a National Rally as well as the submission process.
I have had meetings with the Lismore Council representatives,
the Showground management (North Coast National A&I I look forward to receiving your submission for the 2026
Society Inc.) and the National Rally organising team and all Ulysses Club National Rally.
organisations have a very positive attitude and a serious desire
for the Ulysses Club to have their National Rally at the Lismore
Showground next year.
Blue Knowles
I believe that having the Rally in Lismore and having lots of
Ulysses Club members roaming around Lismore and local areas #33140
will boost the morale of residents and businesses alike. Let us National Vice President
all get behind Lismore and come along to the National Rally Ulysses Club Rally Liaison
Brisbane - Darwin
Outback Adventure via Hells Gate
3500+km, on a small motorcycle? Riding north through the
tropics the humidity builds, roads change from highway to
single lane to wide red dirt. A serious adventure - remote
country, small towns, bitumen, dirt, corrugations, bulldust,
river crossings and crystal clear artesian water holes, make
this a great adventure.
$5650: Incl bike, accom, meals, mechanics, spares,
support vehicles. See website for details.
Phone: 02 4232 4312 Ph. 0411 090 891