Page 25 - Riding On Autumn 2023
P. 25
If you knew Suzie,
If you knew Suzie,
Who knows what
Who knows what
you’d do?
you’d do?
Every now and then, a product comes along that makes you used to them. You can buy a higher screen, too, but I was quite
realise that, while you didn’t even know that there was a gap happy with the standard screen on the 1200km ride I put the
for it in the market, there certainly is now that you’ve seen it! GT through.
Most recently in my case, that was Suzuki’s amazing new GSX- The only things the GT is missing that would make it a true GT
S1000GT. After I had ridden it and had a little time to cogitate, are panniers and heated grips. At one point, I gather, panniers
I thought,“This is the perfect bike for someone who’s reached were going to be standard but would, of course, have cost
the age where he or she should really be replacing the sports more – I have been told that the reason they aren’t, is that the
bike with a tourer – but who does not want to let go of the company supplying them to Suzuki went belly up. You can still
excitement.” buy them as accessories.
With the GSX-S, you get the touring capability without having After collecting the bike, I rode it around the city for a few days
to let go of any excitement at all. This is a smart-looking and found it competent, pleasantin traffic, and slim enough,
motorcycle, in the modern style, but not too much in the despite its engine capacity, to split lanes. Even under these
modern style. Nice glittery paint, bright lighting, complete but conditions, which are probably the least enjoyable, and require
understated controls, comfortable seats, a tolerable range the most concentration, it soon became one of those bikes that
(although that could be better) and as well as that, the sort of you don’t really notice. Torque comes in early, and there is little
performance you would only ever have had from a top sports need to play with the gearbox. That’s good in traffic.
bike only a few years ago.
But the bike really came even more into its own out on the
If ”a few years ago” sounds dismissive, it is not meant to be. open road. My friend, Mike, and I had been thinking about a
I didn’t rev it out in top – my licence is fragile enough – but trip to the Warrumbungles for a while, and the GT provided a
calculations indicate that its top speed should be around good opportunity. Once we hit the highway, the GT settled into
220km/h. The GT is powered by a re-tuned K5 GSX-R1000 a comfortable lope that covered the kliks without fuss.
engine. Its powerband has been relocated for huge midrange
power and torque, as well as retaining a huge top end. I didn’t Just in case you think I am in the pay of Suzuki Australia, let me
sample that because… well, see “licence” comment above. say that the GSX-S1000GT is not perfect. It would be nice if it
Mostly, I had the bike around 5000rpm which, in top, gives you had a centrestand, and I am surprised that it’s not offered as an
a road speed that will probably not attract attention from the accessory. The position of the footpegs means that your weight
highway patrol. You do need to keep in mind that the cameras (considerable, in my case) is almost entirely on your backside.
don’t give you leeway, though! It’s difficult to shift it to the pegs, although squeezing the tank a
little with your thighs will take any weight off your wrists.
Ask me how I know.
Those are niggles. The Suzuki GSX-S1000GT is a huge amount
I’ve mentioned some of the touring features above. The bike of fun – and a practical tourer!
also has cruise control, probably the simplest and most intuitive
I have seen. It also has a quick-shifter, not something usually J Peter “The Bear” Thoeming #675
fitted to tourers but a neat thing to have for them as likes ‘em.
I am not a quick-shifter person – yet, I suppose. I need to get