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P. 70
.ִק ְראּו ֶאת ַה ֶק ַטע ַו ֲענּו ַעל ַה ְש ֵאלֹות
Sharon likes the summer. She likes it because she
can wear her favorite clothes. She has many shorts
and shirts. When she goes out, she wears a hat too.
Her favorite shirt is blue with a unicorn on it.
But when it is cold, she wears pants and not shorts
and a sweater over her shirt. When it rains her mom
says she needs a coat too. She doesn’t like to wear a
coat. Sharon can’t run with her coat because it is long.
summer - ַק ִיץwear - ִל ְלּבֹושunicorn - ַחד־ ֶק ֶרןover - ֵמ ַעל