Page 21 - DAAT-HAIM-2
P. 21

Rabbi Chaim Walkin

                                 Sefer Da’at Chaim

                                               32nd ma’amar

         alternatively, if the sin was “superficial” to his soul as it did not derive
         from his true inner essence and does not reflect a corrupt inner essence
         - then the essence of this person and his level in Gehinnom are also
         determined by the measure of the sins he committed and the level of
         their severity. In simple words, when the sin he commits emerges
         from his inner essence his punishment and level in Gehinnom are
         proportionally greater and more severe. And if his sins are merely
         externally superficial to the essence of his soul, then so too his level
         and punishment in Gehinnom is proportionally less severe.

         Now we come to the point of Chazal’s commentary regarding “an
         elevated refuge in Gehinnom” on one hand, and “a place deep in
         the depths of Gehinnom” on the other hand. “For those people who
         violate the Will of HaKadosh Baruch Hu a place deep in Gehinnom is
         prepared for them,” these are the people who commit sins that originate
         from an inner source that is utterly evil and corrupt. Therefore, in
         proportion to the measure of the severity of their sins and breaches that
         originate from their evil and corrupt essence, so too is the measure of
         their punishment and level in Gehinnom. And since they themselves
         are “deeply rooted and bonded” to their innermost essence of sin and
         corruption – so too is their being in Gehinnom “deeply rooted and
         bonded,” and their place in Gehinnom is deep and rooted.

         But that is not so of people who are not immersed deeply into their
         sins, and their breaches do not originate from an inner essence that
         is evil and corrupt - their place is not in the depths of Gehinnom
         but rather their place is exterior to it in proportion to the measure of
         their sin which is also superficial. The sin of the sons of Korach did
         not originate from an inner soul that was corrupt, as explained by
         the Tzadik Gaon Rabbi Reuven Melamed ZT”L in his sefer “Melitz
         Yosher,” that even though the sons of Korach were partners in the
         conflict, their actions did not originate from an inner source that was
         evil, as they were merely drawn into the conflict but they themselves
         were only superficial bystanders. Therefore, so too the place that was
         designated for them in Gehinnom was not in its depths but instead was
         in an elevated place of refuge within it.

         This is the meaning of the words of Rashi “The sons of Korach did not
         die. Initially they were in collusion with the conspirators, but when

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