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6XEIDPLO\ 1\PSDKDOLQDH   billion. Now to be more realistic if only one egg was laid     7KH *OREDO &LWL]HQ 6FLHQFH 3URJUDP

          on every two leaves (and not two thousands) it will finally
          produce one adult (because of shortage in food supply)
          we will get 225 million adults from one hill in the Northern
          3.4 - By the end of March all the Malvas were defoliated
          (illustr. 14) losing about half a billion leaves to the hungry
          larvae and by mid-April the biotope was practically without                   Website:
          adults. At this biotope the loss to four types of parasitoids
          (det. Mark Shaw) was estimated to be ~ 5% that reduced   - The program was initiated in 2018 by Gerard Talavera and
          the size of the swarm to “only” 213 million adults.     Roger Vila with students and members of their research
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 10 - B | 21-12-22 | 12:22:48 | SR:-- | Magenta
                                                            labs at the Botanical Institute of Barcelona (IBB, CSIC)
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 10 - B | 21-12-22 | 12:22:48 | SR:-- | Yellow
 #21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 10 - B | 21-12-22 | 12:22:48 | SR:-- | Black
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 10 - B | 21-12-22 | 12:22:48 | SR:-- | Cyan
          1HZ  WHFKQLTXHV  RI  WUDFLQJ  RULJLQ  RI  PLJUDQWV using   and the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, CSIC-UPF)
          natural hydrogen isotope ²H (Deuterium) in adult’s wings   in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain), thanks to a National
          and pollen on their bodies (Talavera, 2018; Suchan  el   Geographic grant.
          al., 2018) should be implemented for the Levant’s cardui   - The main goal of the program is “to establish a global
          migrants. The first several hundreds dry specimens of   network of monitoring sites to report temporal presence/
          migrating cardui that were collected during spring-summer   absence of V. cardui, both for breeding and adults. To have
          2019 huge  cardui migration and sent to Barcelona at   as many people and countries involved as possible. To run
          the beginning of the  cardui citizen science program to   rather simple and non-demanding tasks near their houses,
          investigate their origins using the mentioned techniques   like visiting hostplant plots to count for possible presence/
          may confirm the hypothesis of potential origins “in parts   absence of caterpillars and/or to climb a little hill to report
          of the Middle East and Arabia” (Talavera pers. comm. to   presence/absence of butterflies hilltopping. These tasks
          DB), while two Painted Ladies collected by DB N Marsa   should regularly be done once every two weeks.”
          Alam, E Egypt in the Red Sea W coast on 23-25 March   - Until the beginning of the corona shut-down, the citizen
          2016, originated from the horn of Africa (Somaliland –   science program received about 2500 specimens from
          Djibouti) and Arabia (Talavera et al., 2018).     around 20 countries, but have got >8000 specimens in
                                                            their collection.
          Cardui VZDUP QLJKW PLJUDWLRQ (Benyamini & Ro’e, 2019).   - During the corona plague the number of observers
          At mid-night between 31 March to 1 April 2019 Yocheved   decreased and the program mostly missed spring 2020,
          Ro’e (66) a retired teacher and  member of Jordan River   but most of the monitoring sites were able to continue.
          springs valley butterfly monitoring community was driving   - As they started to come out of the corona crisis they
          her Mazda 3 home eastwards along the Yarmouk River   continued with other funding in their labs, getting a new
          when she entered a swarm of migrating  cardui. They   grants to promote the program at longer term, and will
          were flying westwards against and over her car one to two   do important implementations in a website platform, the
          meters above ground, some collided with her car leaving   phone APP, and will try to increase the contacts in many
          yellow-orange patches (Mid-night temp. accrd, IMS was   countries to implement new permanent monitoring sites.
          9°C). Arriving home at Nov S Golan Heights, she wrote this   - They are moving forward towards incorporating other
          record in her diary (she did not photograph the butterflies).   species too. For example they include 50 species in their
          On the 2nd of April at 19:30 early evening driving on the   mobile app:
          Golan Heights road 98 southwards between Tel Saki and   - Finally the organizers highlight that this is not another
          Ramat Magshimim she observed migrants again but   monitoring program like others that already exist, but they
          this time these were singletons flying every 100 to 500   are focusing here in three novelties: 1) breeding data (to
          m northwards against her car. She thought that people   study where and when the species breed to account for
          will not believe her and on the 3rd of April took her son   reproductive habitat, since adults could just be on the
          Ariel with her. And indeed driving southwards from Nov at   move, 2) They put special emphasis in the importance of
          20:30 passing Kfar Haruv they saw again the butterflies   reporting absence data, and 3) They promote monitoring
          flying about two meters above ground. On the 5th of April   permanent breeding sites and hilltops.
          Yocheved and her son joined DB to show him the places
          of the night migration. We stopped S of Kfar Haruv and   A big advantage of this program is that by collecting
          Ariel showed him the direction of the  cardui migrants;   simple and easy-to-get records of presence – absence
          they were coming from South-East (the Yarmouk River)   larvae (breeding sites) and adults across many countries
          and proceeded to North-West, again singletons every 100-  and seasons they open the door to analyse hundreds of
          200 meters. From the peak swarm of the first night the   records, produce monthly maps of suitable reproductive
          migration dwindled quickly and disappeared after three   habitats, and therefore trace migratory movements -
          more nights. The easterly direction where they came from   presented by Menchetti, Guéguen & Talavera in their
          suggesting Jebel Hauran (The Druze Mountain) at the   break-through research paper in proceedings of The Royal
          fare SE of the Golan Heights and the Syrian Desert as   Society (2019), entitled “Spatio-temporal ecological niche
          their source. Appendix I in Benyamini 2017d present only   modelling of multigenerational insect migrations”.
          four observations of easterly origin of  cardui migrations
          westwards: Nahal Hiyon (N Israel) 10.3.1988; Hermon   A special & thorough paragraph on Butterfly Migration in Vol
          18.2.2005; Nahal Hemar (S Judean Desert) 5.3.2005 and   I by Uri Pick & Dubi Benyamini will deal with the historical
                                                            records in the Levant, the theory of butterfly migration and
          Arad (NE Negev) 2010. 1988, 2005 & 2010 were years of
 © Moti Dolev  great cardui migrations.                     the latest discoveries of solving this complex phenomenon.

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