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Melitaea cinxia (Linnaeus, 1758)                  Glanville Fritillary  F   0DOH  JHQLWDOLDV  of the  telona complex including

          klili were dissected by John Coutsis (Athens, Greece)
          resulting in two different species. However we cannot
 This species is one of the earliest of the Melitaea spp.   parasitoid of M. cinxia (van Nouhuys & Ehrnsten, 2004).  decide which one is the real telona that was described
 to appear on the wing in spring. Adults fly close to the   by Fruhstorfer in 1908 from Jerusalem because the
 ground over slopes and in valley bottoms and ravines.   /DUYDO GHIHQFH   &RQVHUYDWLRQ  Lafranchis et al., (2015:   types are possibly in Paris (MNHN) and they were not
 Females are usually larger than males that are territorial
 #  457) reported a preference for egg-laying on Plantago,   checked yet.
 along tracks and perch with open wings. A rare puddling   where the presence of the iridoide glycosides Aucubine
 male was observed on the banks of water pool for the   & C atalpol affords some larval protection against their
 production of snow on 13 May 2017, Mt Hermon 1600   main Cotesia sp. parasitoid. M. cinxia is threatened by   * - Almost simultaneously, on the western side of the Mediterranean
 m, S Anti-Lebanon range (Moshe, 2017b). May migrate   agricultural development in its Levant southern limit of   a new Iberian widespread Melitaea taxon, a sister of the European
 one km away from its biotope (Lafranchis  et al. 2015:   distribution at Mt Hillel (750 - 1100 m), E Beit Jann  -   ornata will soon be described [(Hinojosa  et al., 2022 (in prep.)]
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 12 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Magenta
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 12 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Yellow
 #21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 12 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Black
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 12 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Cyan
 457).  Female carries the male in cop. - illustr. 2.  illustr. 1, and at Mt Meron nature reserve (peak at 1208   (Roger Vila pers. comm. to DB).
          Note  - When the multiple brooded  M.  klili  were discovered we
 m), Galilee, Israel (Pe’er, 1999; Benyamini, 2000f &   compared its DNA with M. phoebe (also a multiple brooded species)
 2008f). In 2008 declared as protected by law in Israel,
 %LRORJ\  but rated only as NT (Near Threatened) in the Israeli red   resulted to be different species (J. Tóth, Debercen, Hungary & R. Vila,
          CSIC Barcelona, Spain - pers. comms. to DB).
 list of butterflies because of its flourishing population in
 )OLJKW SHULRG  late April at 1500 m to late June at 2000+   Mt Hermon (Renan et al., 2022, (in prep.)).
 m in Mt Hermon, early April to early June in the Galilee   M. telona   JURXS  SUHOLPLQDU\ VFULSW E\ -RKQ &RXWVLV
                                                                                        a. Total width of distal process.
 (750-1200 m) N Israel; Mid-April at 1200 m to late                                    E  Width at base of  distal process.
 July  on Cedar Mt top (3088 m) Lebanon (Larsen, 1974:   'LVWULEXWLRQ  Since quite a number of years ago DB had discovered    F  Width at base of free part of harpe.
 122); ten-Hagen (1995) reported an observation near   that in Israel Melitaea telona was often double or triple-
 Zabadani, Syrian Anti-Lebanon, 1000-1200 m, on 23rd   TL: Sweden. From Morocco, Algeria, across Europe and S   brooded, quite in contrast to everywhere else within its   ([SODQDWRU\ GUDZLQJV
 of April and again near Joubbe, 2000 m, Syrian Anti-  Scandinavia (lat. ~ 60º N) to Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel,   vast range of expansion, where it is known to be single-  Lateral aspect of inner face of right
 Lebanon on 3 May (1996); ten-Hagen & Eckweiler (2000)   (absent from Cyprus, Jordan and Sinai) to Mongolia and   brooded. It was then thought that perhaps the Israeli   valva.
 found it in Burkush, SW Syria, 1200-1600 m on 19 April   the Amur River (Russia). A single ssp. flies the Levant:   M.  telona actually represented another, possibly new   1. Single-brooded Melitaea telona-
 1998; Syria (Zarikian, 2016); Zarikian & Ghrejyan (2018)   M.  c.  clarissa Staudinger, 1901; TL: Antiochia (Hatay,   species, but being identical to single-brooded M. telona   group species A, Israel, Haifa,
 found it between 2300-2602 m in Al-Lazzab reserve   Turkey) – S Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Israel. Rare dark   from areas other than Israel by both wing and larval   12.iv.1960. Prep. No. 6095.

 Syrian Anti-Lebanon and Atahan et al., (2018: 65) found   females occur in N Hatay – illustr. 3. See also a female   characters, these thoughts were quickly put aside and   'LVWULEXWLRQ PDS RI ELRWRSHV      2. Multiple brooded Melitaea klili-
 it in April at 200 m to July at 2100 m in Hatay S. Turkey.  IURP  1XUGDøL    ´$GDQDµ  >VLF @   *D]LDQWHS   1  /HYDQW  LQ   abandoned.   M. telona JURXSV $   %   M. klili     group species B, Israel, Tabah-
                                                             Biotopes of single-brooded
                                                                                     Ka’abiya, Nahal Tzipori, 110 m,

 plate 79 fig. 30. Hesselbarth et al., 1995(3): 285.   Recently we were able to study the male genitalia of a   M. telona group species A.   11.iv.2020. Prep. No. 6101. Raised
 /LIH   KLVWRU\   generally  univoltine,  with  an  vast number of Israeli “M. telona” butterflies and we   Biotopes of single-brooded  M.   ab ovo on Centaurea iberica by DB.
 occasional  partial  second  brood.  Eggs  are  laid  in                                                                                                          2  discovered to our amazement that they belonged to two   telona group species B.   1RWH  Group species B include Single-
 batches (up to ca. 100 eggs in each) on the underside   different types, one being identical to the appendages   Biotopes of multi-brooded  M.   brooded M. telona e.g. samples 14-18
 of the hostplant’s leaves. The eggs are 0.9 mm in height   of European and Asiatic specimens of this species,   klili in Central & Lower Galilee   in Fig. 4.
 and 0.7 mm wide, green, cone-shaped with a flattened   the other constantly differing from them in the size of   Fig. 3 - JURXS VSHFLHV   $
 top and with 12-20 vertical ribs. Before hatching, colour   certain elements of the valvae. As the valvae in this    ²    6LQJOH EURRGHG Melitaea telona
 changes to greenish-grey with a dark top. L1 hatches   group of butterflies often tend to be identical to each   1.  Iran, Fars, Dasht-e Arjan,
 after ca. 10 days, is 1.5 mm long, dark grey/black, and   other, even between clearly different species such as        75 km W. of Shiraz, 2000–2200 m,
                                                                                          26.v.1978. Prep. No. 4199.
 hairy with a black head. Larvae live gregariously in silken   are M. telona, M. phoebe and the Asiatic M. sibina, it   2.  Turkey, Hakkari province, N.E. of Hakkari
 webs spun over the hostplant. L3 overwinters for nine   became apparent to us that the observed differences        town, Dez valley, 1500–2000 m,
                                                                                          5.vii,1992. Prep. No. 4201.
 months, resuming feeding in spring on the new growth.   were important enough taxonomically to warrant   3.  Croatia, Dalmatia, Sukošan to Zadar
 The mature larva is 25 mm in length, the head glossy   separating the two  M.  telona-morphs into separate        towns, 500 m, 30.v.1959. Prep. No. 4206.
                                                                                     4.  N. Macedonia, Treska canyon, 30.v.1958.
 reddish-brown, the body black with black branched   species, the more so as in Israel these were also        rep. No. 4204.
 spines and lateral rows of tiny white spots. Their dark   found to be syntopic with each other, and may have   5.  Greece, Pelopónnisos, Zahlorú, 600 m,
                                                                                          21.v.1976. Prep. No. 4211.
 colour enables rapid larval warmth absorption at their   differences in their respective number of yearly broods.  6.  Greece, Stereá Ellás, Attikí prefecture,
                                                                                          Ekáli, 350 m, v.1950. Prep. No. 4213.
 high and cold biotopes. The pupa suspends from the   The observed male genital differences between these   7.  Italy, Sicily, Mt. Etna, Palmentelli, 1100 m,
 hostplant or nearby dense vegetation, is 14 mm long,   two species (Fig. 3 & Fig. 4) may be summed up as follows:        16.v.1965. Prep. No. 4207.
                                                                                     8.  Lebanon, Laqlouq, 1500–1650 m,
 light grey spotted with orange and black, and hatches   in the multi-brooded new species the total width of the Prep. No. 4208.
 after 2-4 weeks. (DB breeding notes; Warecki, 2010: 110   distal process of the valva, the width at base of this   9.  Jordan, W. of Gebel Rum, 100 m,
                                                                                          8.iv.2000. Prep. No. 6091.
 & pers. comm. to DB).   element as well as the width at base of the free part of    10.Jordan, W. of Dana, 545 m, 8.iv.2000.
          the harpe are usually greater than in the single-brooded                         Prep. No. 6092.
                                                                                     11. Jordan, Wadi Zarga, S. of Jarash, 400 m,
 5HFRUGHG  KRVWSODQW  Scrophulariaceae –  Veronica   species from both Israel and elsewhere.        13.iv.1997. Prep. No. 4839.
                                                                                     12. Israel, Negev Mts., Wadi Natha,
 macrostachya [M]- illustr. 4, V. lysimachioides- illustr. 5.  Genitalia of an Israeli (Jerusalem) group species B had         2.iv.1996. Prep. No. 6054.
 V.  polifolia  [?],  V.  leiocarpa [?]; Plantaginaceae –   also been illustrated in van Oorschot & Coutsis (2014,   13. Israel, Haifa, 12.iv.1960. Prep. No. 6095.
 Plantago lanceolata var. atrata [M] (Benyamini, 2016a).  Pl. 169, fig. 6), but, as it involved a single specimen   Fig. 4 -JURXS VSHFLHV   %
          only, we thought that the greater size of the distal                         ²   6LQJOH EURRGHG Melitaea telona
 3DUDVLWRLGV  attack on larvae by a gregarious species in   process of the valva was within the limits of variation of          0XOWL EURRGHG Melitaea klili
 the Cotesia melitaearum-aggregate (cf. Kankare & Shaw,   the genital appendages of M. telona.  14. Israel, Ma’ale Efraim, 19.iv.1980.
                                                                                           Prep. No. 6096.
 2004; Kankare et al., 2005) (Braconidae, Microgastrinae)   At present, and with the holotype of  M.  telona (TL:   15. Israel, Ein Avdat, 1.iv.1972. Prep. No. 6097.
 (Mark Shaw pers. comm. to DB) has been recorded on   Jerusalem) not yet having become available to us, we   16. Israel, Arad, 18.iii.1973. Prep. No. 6098.
                                                                                     17. Israel, Nahal Aviv, 12.iv.1995. Prep. No. 6093.
 Mt Hermon (1850-2050 m) (DB breeding notes). “The   are not in a position of settling nomenclatural problems   18. Israel, Jerusalem, 2.v.1970. Prep. No. 6094.
 parasitoid’s brood sizes ex final instar hosts are often   arising from our finds. We are therefore tentatively   19. Israel, Tabah-Ka’abiya, Nahal Tzipori, 110
                                                                                           m, Prep. No. 6102. Raised, ex ovo on
 about 20–25, but they vary very widely (and this can   referring to these two species as:  M.  telona  - group         Centaurea iberica by Dubi Benyamini.
                                                                                     20. Israel, Tabah-Ka’abiya, Nahal Tzipori, 110
 affect adult parasitoid size)” (Mark Shaw pers. comm. to   species A (single-brooded) and group species B: M. klili          m, 11.iv.2020. Prep. No. 6101. Raised, ex ovo on
 DB). In parts of Europe Hyposoter horticola (Gravenhorst)   © Dubi Benyamini  (Multi-brooded) & also single-brooded M. telona.             Centaurea iberica by Dubi Benyamini.
 (Ichneumonidae: Campopleginae) is a common solitary
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