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 and abundance of their host plants.  Oecologia 63(10):   :RUPV   &   *   0   GH  1967. Three weeks in Cyprus, April   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2017c. Melitaea arduinna recorded from the SE   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2020m. Captive breeding of Danaus chrysippus   21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 15 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Cyan
 23–29.  – May 1967.  The Entomologist’s Record and Journal of   Samaria Desert, and a new hostplant in Israel. News of the   f.  dorippus  LQ  ,VUDHO  ²  ÀUVW  UHVXOWV   News of the Isreali
 :LNOXQG  &   :LFNPDQ  3 2    1\OLQ  6  1992. A sex difference   Variation 79: 245–249.  Israeli Lepidopterists Society 34(1): 16–18 (in Hebrew).  Lepidopterists Society 37(2): 8 (in Hebrew).
 in the propensity to enter direct/diapause development:   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2017d. A swarm of millions of Vanessa cardui   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2020n. Pollination trap – Asclepias curassavica
 a result of selection for protandry. Evolution 46(2): 519–  (Linnaeus, 1758) in winter-spring 2015-2016 in the south-  ÁRZHUV WUDS Danaus chrysippus leg and proboscis. News of
 528.       east Mediterranean – The missing link (Lepidoptera,   the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 37(2): 19-20 (in Hebrew).
 :LGHV   -   2010. Butterfly records fall-spring 2009-2010.  <DKL\D   <   0   =   2014. Common insects of orders   Nymphalidae). Atalanta 48(1–4): 103-128.  %HQ\DPLQL  '  2021a. Hypolimnas misippus (Linnaeus, 1767)
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 :LHPHUV   0   1998.  Coenonympha darwiniana – a hybrid   Agriculture Research 3(3): 395–397.  Hebrew).  1\PSKDOLGDH   DQG  HDVW  0HGLWHUUDQHDQ  EXWWHUÁ\  PLJUDWLRQ
 taxon? New insights through allozyme electrophoresis   <HUEXU\   -   :   1892. The Butterflies of Aden and   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2017f. The Biology of the Blue Pansy (Junonia   corridors. Entomologist’s Gazette. 72: 243 – 252.
 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Proc. XIth Eur.   Neighbourhood, with some notes on their habits, Food-  orithya) in Neot Semadar. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2021b. Melitaea telona gravid females choose
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 2018. An updated checklist of the European Butterflies   <XVLIRYD   1      5iNRV\   /  2019. New records of the   (West Bank, Israel).  News of the Israeli Lepidopterists   (Asteraceae) to be used in its sex pheromones. News of the
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 Fouad 1er d’entomologie 31: 13–16.  Rhopalocera) of Syrian Arab Republic and Republic of   16 (in Hebrew).  Djibouti.  News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society  31(1):
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 203–294.  =DULNLDQ   1   2019. A comparative analysis of butterfly fauna   Hebrew).  Land collected and observed between 1863 and 1865 by
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 61: 73–78.   Papilionoidea (Lepidoptera) of Al-Lazzab reserve in Syria.   hierta in Israel.  News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society   at the entrance to Ein Gedi Reserve on 22.10.2004 by
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 Species and forms from Arabia and Persia, with a   =DYGL  *  1986. Butterfly observations. News of the Israeli   %HQ\DPLQL   '  2020f.  Junonia hierta in Yotvata S Arava.   2004 – Spring 2005 annual records.  News of the Israeli
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