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observations. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 32:   %HQ\DPLQL   '    *LO   5    &KDGDVKL   '    &DVSL   8    /HZLQ   '     9LOD   5      %HQ\DPLQL,  D. 2022. DNA evidence revealed                                                                                                                                                                                               21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 15 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Cyan   #21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603
 118 (in Hebrew).  /HZLQ  (   0RYVKRYLWV  ,   .DUQL  1   0LVK·DQ  <    6FKXULDQ    UUTXKDUW   )   $  1976. The overwintering site of the   that two lineages of  Chazara briseis (L.) (Lepidoptera,
 %HQ\DPLQL   '      7RPHU   2   2002. A visit to Hatay – South   .  1990. Migration summary of 1990. News of the Israeli   eastern population of the monarch butterfly (Danaus   Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) colnized Cyprus from Europe in
 Turkey.  News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society  19(2):   Lepidopterists Society 7: 21–23 (in Hebrew).  plexippus, Danaidae) in southern Mexico. Journal of the   two different periods.  Entomologist's Gazette (in prep.).
 24–28 (in Hebrew).  %HQ\DPLQL  '   6KDSLU  (    $VKNHQD]L  0  2021 Overwintering   Lepidopterist’s Society 30: 153-158.  9LOD  5   6WHIDQHVFX  &    6HVPD  -  0  2018.  Guia de les
 %HQ\DPLQL  '    7RPHU  2  2007. Polygonia egea (hilltopping)   Charaxes jasius adults were observed in Ein HaMifratz &   SDSDOORQHV GLŞUQHV GH &DWDOXQ\D. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona
 near Mt Hermon battle memorial 2000-2050 m on 7 July   Mesilot in autumn 2021. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists   509 pp.
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 %HQ\DPLQL   '      7RPHU   2  2008. Group nectaring in Eilat.   territorial Charaxes jasius PDOH RQ WRS RI .ÀUD 5HVHUYH·V KLOO   %XWWHUÁ\ )DXQD RI 6UL /DQND. Lepodon Books, Canada, 418   Society 33(1): 42–43 (in Hebrew).
 News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 25: 34 (in Hebrew).  without LHPs – 13.6.2019. Spring – Autumn 2019 annual   pp.  9RQ .DOFKEHUJ  $        hEHU GLH /HSLGRSWHUHQ )DXQD YRQ
 %HQ\DPLQL   '      7RPHU   2  2009a   %XWWHUÁ\  REVHUYDWLRQV    records. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society    2): 49   9DQ 2RUVFKRW  +    &RXWVLV  -  *  2014. The Genus Melitaea   Haifa in Syrien.  Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris
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 %HQ\DPLQL  '    7RPHU  2  2009b. Seasonal records summer   of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 35(2): 50 (in Hebrew).  Nymphalinae). Tshikolovets Publications, Pardubice. 360   ants of Israel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Israel Journal
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 %HQ\DPLQL   '      7RPHU   2   2012.  Pseudochazara pelopea   %HUQDUGL   *   1958. Liste des Lepidoptères Rhopaloceres   Türkei. Ergänzungen und Korrekturen zu Hesselbarth,   (Lepidoptera : Satyridae).  Nota Lepidopterologica 6(2-3):
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 EXWWHUÁ\ UHFRUGV  News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society   received from the neighbourhood of Alexandria. Transactions   of  Pseudochazara anthelea  (Hübner) and description of   Chazara anthe (Hoffmansegg, 1806) — what is the valid
 34(2): 51–57 (in Hebrew).  of the Entomological Society of London 1894: 33–51, pl. 1.  P.  anthelea selcuki n. ssp. (Lepidoptera: Satyridae).   name? (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae).  Nota lepidopterologica
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 mud puddle at the banks of water pool for snow production.   -   (LVQHU  0    (LVQHU  7  2004. Plant-derived pyrrolizidine   9DQ 1RXKX\V  6    (KUQVWHQ  -  2004. Wasp behaviour leads   :DJQHU   )   1929. Weiterer Beitrag zur Lepidopteren-
 Mt Hermon 1600 m, 12 June 2019.  2019 spring-autumn   alkaloid protects eggs of a moth (Utetheisa ornatrix) against   to uniform parasitism of a host available only a few hours   Fauna Inner-Anatoliens.  Mitteilungen der Münchner
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 in Rehavam’s Caves; interestingly the females penetrate   Middle East 53: 130–132.  ERRN  RI  (XURSHDQ  EXWWHUÁLHV  (Rhopalocera). Nature and   a better understanding of the higher systematics of
 the big caves and alight on the internal walls 7-8 meters   %RGHQKHLPHU   )   6   1932. Beitrag Zur Kenntnis der   Environment, No. 99, Council of Europe Publishing,   Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea).  Molecular
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 heat-loving lizards that prowl near the entrance 11.8.2019.   Zeitschrift Iris 46: 93–96.  9DQ  6ZDD\   &    &XWWHORG   $    &ROOLQV   6    0DHV   '    /ySH]   :DNHKDP 'DZVRQ  $   3DUNHU  5   -RKQ  (    'HQQLV  5  /  +
 Spring – Autumn 2019 seasonal records. News of the Israeli   %RGHQKHLPHU   )   6   1935. The Zoogeography of the Sinai   0XQJXLUD  0   ãDäLý  0   6HWWHOH  -   9HURYQLN  5   9HUVWUDHO    2003. Comparison of the male genitalia and androconia
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 %HQ\DPLQL  '    7RPHU  2  2019c. Two hilltopping Charaxes   15-21 September 1935. Vol II. Lisboa Casa Portugesa.   5HG /LVW RI %XWWHUÁLHV  Luxembourg: Publications Office of   from Cyprus,  Pseudochazara anthelea anthelea (Hübner,
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 15.10.2019. Spring – Autumn 2019 annual records. News   sur les éleménts zoogéographiques et historiques du sud-  9DQH :ULJKW   5   ,   1986. White Monarchs.  Antenna  10(3):   anthelea amalthea  (Frivaldszky, 1845) from mainland
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 %HQ\DPLQL  '    7RPHU  2  2020. Three hilltopping Charaxes   D’Égypte. Sa Majesté Farouk 1er, Roi D’Égypte. Tome 33,   9DQH :ULJKW  5  ,    -RKQ  (  2019. A note on Papilio aegyptius   25(4): 251–263.
 jasius DGXOWV RQ WRS RI .ÀUD 5HVHUYH·V  KLOO ZLWKRXW /+3V ²   Le Caire.  Schreber, 1759, and its synonymy with Danaus chrysippus   :DONHU   '   +      3LWWDZD\   $   5  1987.  Insects of Eastern
 29.7.2020. Spring – Autumn 2020 annual records. News of   %RGHQKHLPHU  )   6    .DWFKDOVNL  $   1936.  Bnei Shemesh   chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae,   Arabia. London. 175 pp.
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 %HQ\DPLQL  '   7RPHU  2    7DODO  6  2009. Seasonal records   %RJJV   &   /      'DX   %   2004. Resource Specialization in   Settele, J. (eds.): Studies on the Ecology and Conservation   :HGGLQJWRQ   -   1934.  Vanessa atalanta Hibernation.  The
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