Page 196 - LEIBY-2
P. 196

196220  LeibLyei–bBy o–rBdeorrdSemr uSgmgulegrgler

was, and looked painstakingly through all the medical lists that
they showed him, but time and time again he shook his head
ruefully. No injured man, and certainly no four-year-old girl,
had been admitted here in the last few days.

Yosef and Leiby accompanied the doctor on his search through
the hospitals. ey came across several Jewish patients,
concentration camp survivors who had tried to join one of the
‘hiker’ groups leaving Poland, but had been too weak to hold up
to the grueling journey and now required medical treatment.
Many of them were even ill with tuberculosis and lay weak and
helpless in their hospital beds. For the rst time in years, they

Chapter 29received nutritious food and medical attention, but they longed

to meet fellow Jews and to be in a Jewish environment. Yosef
and Leiby tried their best to cheer them up and to inject them
withLseoibmyerehtouprneefdortoa the investigators. e soldiers
“Ongeredeateydwteh’ellmaltlhseertet,lewionrnEoreuttz aYfitserraetlh, eainrdexttheenrsei,velife woriltls to
alwathysorboeugoholyd…seaWrche’ltlhdeavfaernmatfothreaKnyoscel,uaensdthaattkmevaeyr Rleaacdhetlh, em
andtmo et’haerams,”eYyohseafdepnlcaocuerdagaendy tphoetmen. tial evidence in a
Leibsmy aalslkierdonalblotxh.e Jewish patients if there was anything they
needede,saunnd’splarostmriasyesdptaoinctoemd ethteo tvrieseits’algeavine.sIan tahme imngeagnotlidmceo, lor.
the Czeecsholdoiecrtsorasnkdiminmveedstitghartoourgshptrheepiarremdedtoicaledavoecutmhenftasrm,
andosuegrgiensgteLdeaibltyertnoactoivme emwetithhodthseomf .trLeeaitbmyednetc. iHdeedwtaostakveertyhem
wellu-pknoonwtnheigruore ewr;ithheewxtaesnsiuvree etxopebreiesnacferininththeetrceitaytmtheannt he
of tuwbaesrcouultoshise,rea,nadlohnisedaoncdtovruclonlelreabglueestowaetrteacekag. eInr taonhyeeavrehnits, he
idearse. Beecftoerde, tnhoeryelfeufgt,eheegaroskuepds twhoeudlodcatrorrisvetohbeereoinntthheeanleratrffourture
anyo–ntehaenpslwaceerinhgadtobethene dlaebsecrleipdtiaosnfsarthtaotohdeahnagderporuosvtidoesderavnedas a
to lertefhuigmeekntroawnsimt pmoeindti.ately if a four-year-old girl with closely
hcrios parpermaeecd,hwjbeoldouourntnlhddeeyhhacabiiprta,pyc,oekrnthatteoomiraVarnarrirsvwotesiltsaahttvotaphpNeawsahaszoesidssptwhiitenaasll.tsoiikcleaanltcateat.tvoeOornend.ceIotntwheays
“Web’ivtetebrleyencotlhdroouugtshidaellatnhde tlhoecasltehaomspinitgalsdrninowks,”wthaermdeodcttohrem,
annionusnidcedanadftoeur t.twLoeibsytrgeanzueodusatdtahyes,sowldrienrgsinwghohisswihgagnedscup
helpalfetsesrlyc. u“pW. eUnddoenr’t tsheeemintouebneceanoyf ntheearevrodtkoa, nthdeinygloysotutrheir
sisteinr hthibaintiwone wanedrelwethtehneiwretostnagruteeds olouot.s”e, and he knew that this
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