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30 Leiby – Border Smuggler

             Copyright © 2023
                by Shchakim

             All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, translated,

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Chapter 4recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the
                          copyright holder.

             Translated by Sara Bloch

Leiby felt everyBonoekrvdeesinignh:isShbcohdaykitmense up. What was that
sound thLaatyohuetj:uSsht chheaakrdim, naonwd, SinartaheKmosisdodwleskoyf the night? He
listened again. YeEs,dtihte: rSeowrealslenSopditozuerbt. Someone was opening

the door of his house. In one quick motion, Leiby bounded out

of his bed, ran to the window and jumped out. He got to the

front door   jhuosmt isenh. cthimakeJiemtoru.lg@sraegleemtmathile.cuonmknown  person  who  was
leaving his

A short gure ran out ofIsthraeedl oor and Leiby’s heart skipped a
beat. “Stop! Stop!”

Yosef Lieder ran down the street, completely ignoring Leiby.
Without any hesitation, Leiby ran after him. e city was dark
and desolate at that time of night, and the faint streaks of light
that were beginning to appear in the sky were the only hint
that sunrise was imminent. Leiby was strong and robust but he
was no match for the quick-footed Yosef. e young boy ran
through the streets in a frenzy, as if a whole pack of Nazis was
after him.

Finally, after a prolonged chase, he tripped on a large stone and
fell face-down onto the sidewalk. Leiby reached him and lifted
him up gently. “Where are you going, Yosef ?” he asked.

Yosef ’s eyes darted around, clearly unnerved. “I’m going to nd
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