Page 38 - HANUKIYA
P. 38

A special hannukiah

of the sage Rabbi Zvi Hirsch, son of Maran
     Rabbi the Baal Shem Tov, ZTSVK"L

  I purchased this filigree hannukiah                                 the holy Rabbi Zvi ZTSVK"L, who continued his path, leading
  because of its exceptional crown.                                   the Hassidim in first year following the death of the Baal Shem
  When I bought it, I did not know                                    Tov. On the Shavu’ot holiday 5521, Rabbi Zvi announced that
  about its great value and heritage.                                 his father had been revealed to him and told him to pass the
                                                                      leadership to his student Rabbi Dov Beer of Międzyrzecz. He
    With the assistance of Rabbi Mintz Liberman of Sotheby’s,         immediate took off the white clothes of the Admor and put them
    I learned that the rare book Menorat Hannukah by M. Narkis        on the maggid of Midzyrzecz, and moved to the city of Pinsk,
    has a review of hannukiahs from the time of Hannukah lighting     the residence of his father-in-law from his second marriage,
    rituals. It includes a hannukiah from 1760 style, except for the  Hassidic Rabbi Shmuel of Pinsk.
    Torah Ark, which is not present; instead there is an image of a
    two-headed eagle (item 116).                                      The Torah Ark has a kind of triangle that is similar to the Torah
                                                                      Ark in the Beit Midrash of the Baal Shem Tov in Midzybó, which
    The reason for this is that only rabbis highlighted Torah Ark     was the city’s old synagogue.
    hannukiahs, and the rest of the people used the symbol of the
    kind. A two-headed eagle was the symbol of Russian kingdom        After hard work, the conclusions of which are brought here, Rabbi
    at that time.                                                     Menachem Mendel Sofer, may he live long, and the grandson of
                                                                      the Admor of Erlau, came to my home. He told me that he had
    Sotheby’s Israel (December 1999 catalogue, page 6, shown          heard from Rabbi Shaul Hoteer, of blessed righteous memory,
    above) sold a Torah scroll plate engraved with Zvi, which was     of Antwerp had seen a picture of a hannukiah of the holy Rabbi
    made for a Jews named Zvi Hirsch. This hannukiah also has         Zvi Hirsch, the son of the Maran Rabbi Baal Shem Tov, who had
    an engraving of two deer, which was symbol made for a rabbi       accepted it from his followers, and was clearly engraved with
    named Zvi.                                                        two deer. The letter is attached. I was very pleased to hear that
                                                                      the results of my research had been confirmed by the veteran
    Because the hannukiah is in the style of the Baal Shem Tov and    God-fearing Hassidic collector fifteen years ago.
    it was made in the year 5521 (1761), immediately after the
    death of the Baal Shem Tov. It turns out that it was made for

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