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Social Sciences                                                                                       Doctor of

Dr. Dimant Sonn Adi

Content | Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Criminology
                                                                                Dr. Erental Tali

                                                                                Department of Social and Health Sciences

The Gaps between the Therapist's                                                Holocaust Centrality among

Perception and the Patient's Perception                                         the Third Generation: an Ecological,

of the Patient's Strengths                                                      Multi-Generational Model of

and their Relationship to his Adjustment                                        Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms,

to therapeuJteicwciosmhmStuunidtiieess                                          World Assumptions and Parental6

Supervisors: Prof. Bensimon Moshe                                               Rearing Behaviors

HPurmofa. IndiitsiisesYael                                                      Supervisor: Prof. Shrira Amit 11
Dr. Doron Yaffa                                                                 Dr. Even-Haim Abraham Galit

DepartmentSoof cPisaylchSoclioegnyces                                           Department of Psychology     15

The Fixation Effect on Creativity:                                              Characteristics of Couple Discourse

RCoepnrsetrsaeinnttastEaiodnnudcTInaydptieivo,indPuriaml iDnigffEexreanmcpelse  among    Combat Soldiers   aMnadrttihael2iAr1dPjaursttnmeresnt
                                                                                and its  Association with

as Moderators                                                                   and Well-Being - A Mixed Methods Study
Supervisor:LPirfoef.SLcaievindcoer sMichal                                      Supervisors: Prof. Dekel Rachel24

DDerp. aDrtrmoreinYtEoaxfaaClacritmSincoielongcyes                                                 Prof. Horesh Danny

                                                                                Dr. Feldman Gilboa Netta 26

Single Homicide Offenders – Personality,                                        Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Motive, CrimEen-gSicneeneerBinehgavior                                          Between Holiness and Sickness 30

and Perspectives Towards Treatment                                              'Mediculturization’:

SupervisorsL:aPwrof. Einat Tomer                                                Culturally Indicated Medicine 31

                   Prof. Idisis Yael                                            The Case of the Ultra-Orthodox Community

Dr. DrukerInStheitrdriitscSihpilrilneayry Studies                               Hospital "Mayanei HaYeshua"

Department of Political Science                                                 Supervisors: Prof. Leon Nissim 32

The MediatiMoneodficSoinuethern Peripheries                                              Dr. Rier David

in Israel: Analysis of Prosumer-Generated                                       Dr. Fenig Ido                35
Content on Google Maps
                                                                                Department of Psychology

Supervisor: Prof. Noy Chaim                                                     The Effect of an Integrated High Intensity

Dr. Engelberg Yair                                                              Interval Training with Mindfulness Guided
                                                                                Exercise on the Mental Health
Department of Psychology                                                        of Higher Education Students
                                                                                Supervisor: Prof. Rassovsky Yuri
The Impact of Social Context

on Cognitive Flexibility

Supervisors: Prof. Rafaeli Eshkol

Prof. Uziel Liad

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