Page 13 - iE6
P. 13
1 CD1: 3-4
2 Yuki: She's married? Wow, I have never even dated.
3 Cody: Neither have I. I'm too shy.
4 Jamie: Her life will be so different from ours.
5 Ela: You read my mind. Melisa and I used to share everything together.
6 Now she's becoming busier. I'm feeling lonely without her.
7 Yuki: Cheer up, Ela. You have us.
8 Zac: That's correct. Even though we might not head down the same
9 road, I'll make sure to keep in touch with you all.
10 Cody: I will, too.
11 Ela: It's a deal, guys.
12 應用字彙 CD1: 5
13 neither ɰʔ shy ୢٙ lonely ྸٙi֘ዹٙ correct ͍ᆽٙiһ͍
14 deal ߒ֛iʹ date ߒึ cheer up ࣈЪৎԸ even though уԴ
15 head ಃnБආ keep in touch ڭܵᑌᖩ