Page 4 - iE6
P. 4
1 Contents 課 程 大 綱
2 ఊʩΤ၈ ˴ᕚ ˖جೊᓃ ˴ࠅ̩ۨ ๖ஷ̌ঐ ࣨː९ቮ ᙄᕚ
3 Unit Title Topic Grammar Focus Pattern Function Competency Issue
4 I Feel Lost, - ଭุ - ڝձ̩ - Studying is important, and having fun is, too. - ঐڝձ˼ɛٙจԈ A3 ྌੂБၾ௴อᏐᜊ - ͛ૹྌԃ
5 1 and So Do My - ͛ૹྌ - ል୦jཀ̘όe - They are not alone, and you aren't, either. - ঐԴ͍͜ᆽٙࣛ࿒ࠑԫઋ
6 ତίόe͊Ըό - Karen was a popular cram school teacher
7 Friends ၾତίҁϓό before.
8 I Can Focus - ਖ਼ءɢ - either... or... - The meme must be from either Cody or Jamie. - ঐ͜either... or...ڌ༺ʔ݊nఱ݊n A2 ӻ୕ܠϽၾ༆Ӕਪᕚ
9 - াኳɢ - neither... nor... - I can focus neither at night nor in the morning. - ঐ͜neither... nor...ڌ༺݅ʔnɰʔn
10 2 Neither in the - not only... but - Zac not only downloaded the video but also - ঐ͜not only... but also...ڌ༺ʔШnɰn
11 Morning Nor at also... sent it to his friends. - ঐ͜˴ਗႧ࿒ၾਗႧ࿒ࠑɛeԫeي
12 Night - ል୦j˴ਗႧ࿒ - The boy will do the dishes.
13 ၾਗႧ࿒ - The dishes will be done by the boy.
14 Review 1
15 - ࣛ٤ࣚБ - ஹટ൚while/ - While/When Jason was walking home, - ঐ͜while/whenڌ༺nࣛ A1 Ԓː९ሯၾІҢၚආ
16 when someone knocked him out. - ঐڌ༺ԫٙܝᗫڷ
17 - ል୦jਓ൚ɿ̩ - Kin has to deal with his present life before he - ঐڌ༺ԫ೯͛ٙࡡΪeत֛ૢɨ̙ঐ೯͛ٙઋرʿႧจ
18 3 Is Time Travel - ል୦jᕐο˪Ⴇ goes back to his time. ɪٙᔷұ
19 Possible? ਗ൚ - Polly is worried about Frank because he is very - ঐᆞ̙ʱʿʔ̙ʱٙ˪Ⴇਗ൚
20 sick.
21 - May and her friends talked about their holiday
22 plan at a coffee shop.
23 - ڌ༺ชᑽ - הϞࣸᗫڷ˾Τ - I know the boy whose mother works as a - ঐ͜ᗫڷ˾Τ൚הϞࣸٙᗫڷɿ̩ A1 Ԓː९ሯၾІҢၚආ - ۜᅃԃ
24 Be Thankful for ൚whose writer. - ঐ͜ᗫڷਓ൚ڌͪήᓃٙᗫڷɿ̩
25 - ᗫڷਓ൚where - Larry took me to the village where he grew up. - ঐ͜ᗫڷ˾Τ൚˴൚אա൚ٙᗫڷɿ̩
26 4 Those Who Have - ል୦jᗫڷɿ̩ - There are two boys over there, and Adam is - ঐ͜ʧӻ൚˪ႧࡌུΤ൚
27 Helped You ၾʧӻ൚˪Ⴇ the one who/that is playing with a dog.
28 - There are two boys over there, and Adam is
29 the one at the gate.
30 Review 2
31 - Ⴍ༑Ҧ̷ - ል୦jΤ൚ɿ̩ - It is clear (that) I said something wrong. - ঐ͜Τ൚ɿ̩ڌ༺ซجא༔ਪ༟ৃ B1 ୌ༶͜ၾ๖ஷڌ༺
32 5 This Is What You - Let's go ask the boy what grade he is in.
33 Said to Her - I am not sure if my best friend is in trouble
34 right now.
35 - Τɛʧୗ - ል୦jҖ࢙൚ၾ - Mt. Everest is tall. - ঐˢ༰ɛeԫeيʘගٙࢨମ A1 Ԓː९ሯၾІҢၚආ - ˒̮ԃ
36 I Saw Snow ਓ൚ٙࡡॴeˢ - Maggy ran faster than Louis, but Newton ran - ͛ૹྌԃ
37 6 Falling for the ༰ॴe௰৷ॴ faster than her.
38 First Time - Quinn didn't practice for the contest. He
39 performed the worst of all.
Review 3
41 Culture & Festival - ீཀᖵஔႩᗆʔΝٙ˖ʷܔᙄภৣୋɓϣݬϽኪԴ͜