Page 84 - ITM Employee Handbook September 2020
P. 84
best of their knowledge, have no symptoms of a Virus and also confirm that our
employee is not self- isolating or awaiting the results of a Virus test.
• It is necessary to include the following questions on this form. If an employee
answers Yes to any of them, they are advised to follow the medical advice they
receive or seek medical advice before returning to work:
o You have symptoms of cough, fever, high temperature, sore throat, runny nose,
breathlessness, or flu like symptoms now, or in the past 14 days? Yes/No
o Have you been diagnosed with a confirmed virus infection or of having a suspected
Virus infection in the last 14 days? Yes/No
o Have you been in close contact with a person who is either a confirmed or
suspected case of contracting a Virus in the past 14 days (i.e. within 2 metres for
more than 15 minutes accumulative in 1 day)? Yes/No
o Have you been advised by a Doctor to self-isolate at this time? Yes/No
o Have you been advised by a Doctor to cocoon at this time? Yes/No.
Employees must:
o Complete this form before they return to work.
o Inform their line manager if there are any other circumstances relating to a Virus.
(the employee must include information which may be needed to be disclosed to allow
their safe return to work in the interests of Public Health Safety).
o Self-isolate at home and contact their GP or the GP out of hour’s services for their
area promptly for further advice if they have any Virus symptoms.
Stay out of work until all symptoms have cleared following self-isolation.
Participate in any induction training provided on their return to the work.
When employees return to work, they are required to request any updates on:
o What an employee should do if they develop symptoms of a Virus
o Details of how the workplace is organised to address the risk from Viruses
o An outline of the Virus response plan
o Arrange for the putting in place of the necessary controls identified in the risk
assessment to prevent the spread of Viruses in the workplace.
In line with HSE guidelines, employees should not attend work if displaying any symptoms of a Virus.
In the event that a suspected case of a Virus is reported during the course of work the following are
the steps outlined by the HSE as to how to respond:
• The employee must contact their line manager.
• The employee must proceed to the designated isolation area, keeping at least 2 metres away
from other employees and also making sure that colleagues maintain a distance of at least 2
metres at all times from them.
• If face masks are available in the isolation area, the employee is to wear the face mask
provided, particularly in a common area with colleagues or while exiting the premises.
• In the event that the employee is able to go home they should do so after discussion with their
line manager. When the employee arrives home, they must call their doctor or out of hours