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                                    Father,We pray for Esprit de Corps and we thank you for it.We prayfor the teachers and those in places of authority in ourschool. We believe that skillful and godly wisdom hasentered into their hearts and that your knowledge ispleasant to them. We thank you for born-again, spirit-filledpeople being in authority in our school.We pray for each other, and we speak Your Word boldly,Father, that we and our households are saved, in the nameof Jesus. We will obey you and turn away from whatevermight displease you. We will show ourselves to beblameless and innocent children of God in a dark andcrooked world, that we will shine out among them likebeacon lights, holding out to them the Word of Life.We praise you, Father that we at Esprit de Corps will walk inthe ways of God and honor your name. Those who sin willcome to the truth and those who complain will be willing tobe taught. Thank You for watching over Your Word in us toperform it!AMEN!Isaiah 29:23-24 | Jeremiah 1:12 | Proverbs 2:10Acts 16:31 Philippians 2:12, 15SCHOOL PRAYER
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